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4/1 check-in and announcement!
I’m excited to announce that in conjunction to the “Gym Buddies Daily Check-In”, we will be making a new bowl call “Rest Day Buddies Daily Check-In” for you all to compare notes and strategies for how to take a breather from the gym. Follow link below to learn more:
Ok, now that it’s done, what’s your workout for today? 😅
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I do have hobbies but the thought of my peers are progressing while I’m just chilling makes me anxious. Even if it’s just one year
This helps me! I have to keep reminding myself of it. I would love to take a break from work too and I think in the long run this is not a big deal. Life isn’t about climbing as high and as fast as possible
Thank you! I have realized that I always see everything as a competition. Not just work but literally everything I do - sports, painting, appearances/ looks... and it makes me very exhausted. When someone else is better than me, could be strangers or even my SO and sister, I feel extremely defeated. This is why I can’t bear a period of rest even though I really need it. I have to learn how to grow at my own pace
I took a 3 month medical LOA last year due to anxiety and depression. Best decision I’ve ever made. Spent some time in therapy and taking a mindfulness based stress reduction course. I highly recommend studying mindfulness. It helps you be ok with what is. The mindset has helped me not only in dealing with stressful situations but my own judgmental thoughts about myself and how I compare to others.
Bowl Leader
Took 6 month LOA after losing my dad. It took until 5.5 months not to feel dizzied and wrung out from grief.
Absolutely worth it. Work is nothing. Mental health is worth more than anything you could earn. Sounds like you have a solid, supportive safety net. Use it.
I feel for you. I'm there now. Panic attacks, dry heaves etc. I'm going to go get a massage and some ice cream.
Get on the right meds, listen to rain/flute sounds via YouTube while you sleep and take long definitely helps.
Well dear , we all need that service once in a while and it requires some down time and help. Very easy to say it especially now. However no matter what ,it’s up to us to take care of ourselves, no firm would really care of you are down.Its BAU for them. Believe in yourselves and go ahead.We are all in this mess together.
Love yourself. You do need some therapy it looks like. You can take a leave of absence without jeopardizing your job, and take a short break (3-6 months). You can travel, do interest projects, etc.
Use your vacation days