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Anyone else miss the show Taxi Cab Confessions?
So incredibly unmotivated and hating everyone today.
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Videos over 8 minutes have the highest completion rate according to YouTube. Not to say things should be that long for the hell of it, but if it's an interesting topic that the brand can legitimately comment on in some way then it works. Vans did a docu style thing with Aaron Draplin a few years ago that did really well. Toyota 4Runner did some videos with adventure sport and nature photographers in 2015 that were 3-4 minutes each that performed well with the target too. Let's not forget Periera O'Dell and The Beauty Inside for Intel. There are more but those are the ones that jump out to me.
Making blanket statements makes you sound like you don't know what you're talking about and haven't done any actual research on the subject.
D1: Depends on context. Longform Cinema ads work. Long form content works. The transformers movies were basically ads.
And sometimes just posting your logo works. Whether that’s on a jersey, a football stadium or as banner with a CTA. Purpose and context.
Don’t sell in to the blatant oversimplification of our industry. You are better than Gary V
Maybe we should just do away with all forms of video content, 6 seconds or otherwise, and cut right to strategists’ favorite way of delivering a message: 72-slide decks full of statistics.
42% of strategists prefer slide decks of 12 slides or less.
Sounds like someone needs to make more convincing briefs
After that, can you point me to the definition of compliment, because I’m not sure you have a grasp on that either.
I’m assuming they meant “complaint”. Because, yeah, not quite a compliment.
Can you point me to the 6-second vertical ad Facebook made to promote their COVID response?
Don’t give us a bad name
Ha. Agreed! Hate this us against them mentality. We’re all on the same team! If a creative doesn’t respect me or get my decisions - then we don’t make good work!!
If it’s good enough people will watch whatever it’s just usually not good enough.
My only complaint about strategists is the myopic belief that we should just treat media like boxes to be checked and that :06 sound-off videos are a format we can “hack” because you managed to find an honestly pretty lame example of one brand doing it once. All this when you KNOW that you’ve never been charmed by a :06 vertical video. It’s disengenuous and self-defeating.
You work at a creative agency. Creative is the product that attracts awards, acclaim and ultimately, clients. So HELP your creatives sell actually compelling formats and do the work to convince clients they’re worth it, or don’t be surprised when the creative agency shutters because you’ve only been championing blah creative that most clients could do in-house. Your job security depends on our ability to make compelling creative. So when creatives tell you they need more time, listen.
ACD3. Check out every John Lewis commercial and the results in the last 11 years.
That’s a pretty good case study that it’s not ALL about length.
Also, Geico. Last decade.
Yet, there is the 1 second Super Bowl
Ad by Gerry Graf and miller high life.
There is also this:
I don’t have time to post a million+ other examples of great creative that worked hard for brands and were effective.
You are also right that a :06 is a very efficient way to do advertising. Just putting your logo out there for 6 seconds will cause brand lift. But if everyone does that, creative and sound strategy (strategy has nothing to do with length of a spot btw) will make all the difference.
Are you a client working undercover?
Strategists that don’t research. Interesting.
Corporeal punishment and proper sourcing is out of fashion. I’m sorry. We should be better.
I’m with you! So Fucking over long ass lame self-masturbatory videos that we have to try and force clients to pay for just so they can add them to their stupid book.
I won’t watch more than :30 of anything most the time, so I try not to write anything longer. But there’s always a boss who wants a two-minute VO narration.
In our last campaign the most watched and completed video we made was 11 mins long
We made a brand-centric short film 17 min long and had over 60% complete it.
Writing off longer content as irrelevant from a strategy perspective is a curious position given that you can personalize that content easily, you can effectively target people who will watch and generate groundswell, you can create personalized and targeted shorter content to push viewers along the content pipeline which includes your long form content.
People watch what interests them; sometimes it’s a long form video.
If you can’t get people to engage for more than 6 seconds, you’ve got no one to blame but yourself.
A little Gossage never hurt
6s works for facebook's bank, not your clients'.
Cue old white guys with hurt feelings in 3...2...1...
Listen to me, I have made MULTIPLE ads for black affinity brands without feeling the need to involve a black person. I AM THAT GOOD.
It seems like every smug strategist out there likes to tout :06’s vs well told longer video content and make it a generational thing.
There’s more than a whiff of career climber desperation to their know-it-all claims.
I’m a myopic thinking however. Maybe it’s too much work outside their lane to create something compelling that advertises but is not a typical advertisement and that’s why they disparage?
But humans have been evolving for millions of years. Stories have compelled people for a long time. We’re not all of the sudden equipped with the attention span of a well-trained dog just because, ya know,TikTok.
Sod off. The best TikToks are also wel told stories. Strategy is never about the format, it’s always about the problem.
Yeah, I’m so tired of hearing this from brands. Every so often there’s a new magic total run time in their minds. “6 seconds! Because you know today’s ADD addled consumers” and blah blah. How fucking insightful!
It’s all from one Microsoft study done in Canada - the 6 second goldfish thing. Not sure if that stat / idea came from anywhere else.
Yo. Confessions are supposed to be about how ya hooked up with your boss on zoom and then your mom walked in. Can’t we all just get along?