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The B in PBR stands for Butt Stuff.
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I’m scared of the direction we’re headed as a country. It’s looking more like the rich and powerful don’t have to obey the laws of our land or comply with the once feared congress and senate........

One last gift from the trump admin

Boris Johnson stays... for now...
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As a Christian... I agree !!!
Lol... There’s no point of praying for healing if I am part of causing the illness.
My opinion: People are sick of having their liberties restricted in the name of public health when less than 1% of US population has died. The methods of “flattening the curve” are Orwellian and people are not gonna tolerate much longer in the land of the free
As long as it’s poor people, brown people, or liberals, it’s fine.
If you really believe and have faith, it shouldn’t matter where you pray. You don’t need to be in a church to pray. Those you are insisting on going to church for services are too dependent on the ceremony and perception for their faith. Truth faith is between and individual and his or her god. No services or buildings needed. Everything else is for show.
Holding mass in general, or holding mass with a crowd? I haven’t been able to go to mass since the outbreak, but there’s plenty of resources to watch mass online live. There’s no need right now to gather in large groups. I understand some people would like to be in the church, but this is not the time for it.