My roommate is moving out soon and I’m super sad because we’ve been living together for over 6 years. But I’m now planning to get a cat and I lowkey wish she was out just a bit sooner.

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One of us! One of us!

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So many tuxies!!! 😍😍😍hello!!


This will be the best decision of your life! Please join "Cats of Fishbowl" bowl where kitty parents post pics of their fury babies and exchange useful advice.


Cat racism! Not all cats have fur!

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SM1, your hairless baby is beautiful and I did not mean to exclude him/her :-) We love all cats fully and unconditionally!


My roommate has a cat that I will dearly miss when they move so I need my own too.

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There's a blanket on my desk for a reason.
Gracie in the foreground, India on the A/C.

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Oh they’re so cute!!


They don’t allow u to work lol

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