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Hi All,
Infosys hr is not responding to my calls or mails now. Without a round of HR discussion, they gave 25% hike on current and released offer letter. Post that HR called to confirm only.
When I told this, she gave her phone no and told to contact her next day. But no luck till now.
Can someone from Infosys help here, whom to contact. I have mailed recruitment team last Friday, yet to receive a response.
Additional Posts in Addiction & Sobriety
I messed ups no need help. Idk where to turn.
I was in a similar position. Al-Anon helped me tremendously. Get to a meeting (try out 6 different ones to make sure it feels right to you), get a sponsor, and work the steps. Happy to answer any questions! You have to focus on healing yourself - the addict changes only when they want to.
Sorry to be blunt, but if they don’t want to get better, your options are to a) leave, or b) resign yourself to this behavior and to the likely outcome (becoming their caretaker while they lose everything they have and get buried in debt, or fatally OD). There is absolutely no way to help an addict who doesn’t want to help themselves. It’s also likely that the drug abuse is more serious than you’re aware of- people in active addiction lie. A lot.
So sorry you’re in this position. I feel for you.
I 100% agree with you. Thanks for taking the time to write this. I know it’s true and probably need to read it.
Bowl Leader
“Handle it” is a curious phrase.
What’s the “it”?
-Your SO?
-The addiction?
-The lying?
-The stealing?
-The fear?
-The shame?
My guess is “all of it”. What is often missed, is that any relationship that involves an addict is one where everyone in that relationship is sick.
“But he’s the one with the problem!”, you might be saying to yourself. True, but it’s always the SO (or the parent or the child or the friend) who’s trying to control the addict. An addict who by their nature, is uncontrollable. They can’t even control their own thoughts and actions (when they’re in active addiction). That desire, that NEED for control over the addict is the addiction of the SO.
The good news is that there is always hope. While you can’t save your SO (they’ll need to hit rock bottom on their own), you have the ability to seek recovery and therapy for yourself. As others have mentioned, Al Anon was created to serve exactly this need.
You’re not alone. You don’t have to go through this alone. And you don’t have to give up hope.
Does your SO want to get better?
You need professional therapy and need to decide if that’s a partnership you want to continue living in.
Take care of yourself and join Alnon it’s a program for anyone who have an alcoholic in there life. Definitely think about it if you plan to stay with him. 🙏🏾😍
Have they tried Suboxone? I know many say it’s replacing one with another, but it can truly be a life saver. There’s outpatient treatment- such as QuickMD - they are a telehealth system and all you need is a consult with one of their addiction specialists and they will rx depending on their need - that was it’s more discreet and timely
Read Love First and It Takes a Family by Jeff and Debra Jay. You can get a consultation from Jeff or one of the others in the group. Only $250/hr for a consultation by Jeff. You don’t have to wait until your loved one hit bottom. Your boundaries and love can create a bottom line for your addict. Most insurance only pays for 28 days for rehab, which isn’t enough (more about that in their books) . Also I recommend get into a Naranon group.
Know that this is a disease and lying comes along with active addiction.
In all honesty, sorry to be straight up about it, but after five years, its time for you to start thinking about yourself! If your SO is not ready to quit, you could spend five more years doing the same thing!