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It’s tough. Both my wife and I are assuming well both get it at some point but have decided to still live together. We’ve considered living apart as well. Amongst my colleagues I’d say it’s 50/50.
It’s a tough decision right now. My hospital’s approach is that they wouldn’t want me to come in only if I have symptoms (not that I agree with that but that’s their protocol). We made the decision to stay together just because we want to be with one another.
If you have a family or friends place to stay for a while and you think he’s ok solo, you could consider that. You could also let your work know and ask what they would like you to do- implying that if they want you to quarantine away they’d have to pay for the hotel?
So sorry to hear! Same thing happened to my partner, and because I struggled with the idea of abandoning him/my own anxiety that he was doing okay, I ended up sticking it out in our 1 bedroom apartment. He got the bedroom, I took the couch. Lysol and alcohol wiped down the bathroom and kitchen like crazy. I basically confined him to the bedroom and didn’t go in there except to deliver meals. Wore my N95 when in close proximity to him. It was exhausting but I actually came out of it okay (so did he). I know colleagues who have moved away for short periods of time too to protect themselves, so whatever you feel is best for you. Might be worth getting them a pulse ox to have on hand just in case, prone when laying down, and obviously take it easy. Sending good thoughts your way - hope you both get through this quickly and as painlessly as possible!
Update: Now 11 or 12 days since symptoms first appeared. Spouse is recovered and by some miracle I was able to stay home, provide care, and as of today am still symptom free (lets hope it continues). Thanks to bleach, Lysol wipes, strict daily cleaning of surfaces, airflow, and N95 mask when in same room.
Next question: how long after resolution of symptoms/recovery does someone remain positive and able to transmit infection? Ive read anywhere from 3 days to 3 months.