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I’m scared of the direction we’re headed as a country. It’s looking more like the rich and powerful don’t have to obey the laws of our land or comply with the once feared congress and senate........

Sounds about right

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Democrats (including their surrogates in the media) don’t want people to get too comfortable. You’ll not hear them say pack it up, it’s over. They want to keep people motivated to go vote.
They could be up by 15% and they’d still
be saying Trump can win.
Yep. Have you ever gotten an email from the DCCC? They’re downright despondent as it helps motivate potential donors. I’ve always wondered if this promotes a loser mindset, which can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Rising Star
Short of stealing the election - which Trump will absolutely try to do - it’s over
I agree, short of another Comey like hail mary move to support Trump at the finish line, he seems done for.
But realistically, nothing is over till the fat lady sings.
*body-positive human being sings.
Plz fix
What are you all smoking? Absolutely no one goes to a Biden/Harris rally. Everyone knows the media slant towards the left. Why else would Twitter and Facebook shutdown after the Hunter Biden story broke? Who wants their taxes raised and another economic shutdown?
It’s going to be a massive red wave.
Rising Star
Perhaps social media - which is directly responsible for Trump’s presidency - did not socialize the hunter Biden story because it was an obvious smear campaign to anyone with a functioning brain stem.
I agree. I think he’ll lose by a landslide. I also think it’s important that the Dems to us on the fact that he still has a chance to win. And honestly I think we need to account for the face he and his remaining goons will try to suppress the vote as much as possible. We need as many votes as we can get.
Im not so sure. I still think Biden will probably win, but its going to be tighter than the polls show now.
There are a lot people in my friend circle (upper middle class white collar men and women - not exactly his white male without a degree crowd) who say they are voting for Trump but are afraid to say so because of judgement from other people at work or in their social circles.
The real question is how some of the close Senate races go and how many people vote for GOP Senators because they're afraid of court packing
Yeah, Consultant gets it. My friends arent necessarily ashamed, but are being practical in their minds given the vitriol around Trump these days.
Theyre voting for him for a variety of reasons though. Some are big into anti abortion, some are terrified of Bidens positions on guns. All are concerned about court packing though.