My wife is pregnant with our second kid. We have both been vaccinated and also taken booster shots.

I go to the gym a couple of times a week where people don't wear masks and proof of vaccines are not required for membership. She is concerned I could pass on Covid and complicate the pregnancy & suggesting reducing the freq of going to the gym. Reports of miscarriage, still birth can be found online.

What should I do?

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What ever your wife tells you. I honestly would get at home workout equipment. You will run out of time to get to the gym anyways.

The likelihood of a miscarriage from covid being passed to you to then your wife are minimal at best given you are all vaccinated. The likelihood your wife hates you if she gets covid and everything is fine but it happens at the gym 💯.


Ask a doctor, not management consultants


We’re experts in everything though


Personally, I’d want my wife to be as healthy as possible, and have both of you in the gym.

Covid birth defects seem incredibly rare - like vaccine side effects.

It’s your family, but at a certain point, do you trust the vaccine or not?


Wow, great idea.

Plus a home gym = your children get to see mom and dad working out all the time. Building good habits early


So what you can to keep your pregnant wife’s stress level down. It’s crystal clear how that negatively impacts pregnancies, and if you going through a gym with no rules stresses her out - you should reevaluate, regardless of what anyone eats about Covid. Even if you “convince her” it’s fine, she will still be internally anxious which = bad.


This. Of course ask a doctor but idk man your wife is carrying a child and all the hardships that goes with it. The least you can do is deal with the gym or find one that is more strict.

Talk to your doctor, don’t go with popular opinion.


Vaccine doesn’t protect you from the virus, it brings down the mortality rate.
I’m a healthy double vaccinated person, got hit by omicron really bad.
Working out at home for few months for the safety of your wife and your kid won’t hurt.


I would do what makes her comfortable - FWIW, my wife reduced her gym frequency coz I wasn’t comfortable during the surge


If you actually do a deep dive at the studies that US CDC and its UK equivalents cite to on pregnancy complications you will see it's all pre vax or not sorted by vax status. You will also find that while some studies find minor increases in premature births *in hospitalized pregnant covid cases* even that impact is unclear and varies by study, and infant outcomes are positive where the effect is found. In short, I wouldnt worry.


My suggestion for you is to try and go to the gym during the slow times! I’ve been at a planet fitness with 7 other people total in the middle of the day. It may not work for you depending on your different responsibilities you have, but worth a shot??


I would say, stop going, maybe get home equipment or go at odd hours when foot traffic is low

Has she ever complained about you spending too much time at the gym before? Maybe she’s using the pregnancy as a cover.

Lol what

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