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I made some really good friends in PA. Miss having so many peers my age.
You must be a new fish
Haven't left yet but I would miss the meal reimbursement
I miss the PTO time.
I'll go first: materiality. In private, no diff is too immaterial, you need to iron everything out.
I missed having peers and a network of technical experts I could get a gut check from.
Team lunches.
Am I the only one who read this as "Philadelphia" at first?
I miss the people. PA is awesome with the youth and talent. Industry isn't like that at all. It's not as hard, but it's also not as fun.
I miss having research tools to find answers. Now I know why clients suck at technical items because there is no easy research tool.
Training. I always see it as an excuse to travel.
I agree on materiality. Learned that today.
I did a couple brief stints in private and missed having work to do. I had maybe 2 hours a day of actual work most of the time. I about went out of my mind with boredom.
I would also miss working from home
Like free lunch or just eating with your coworkers? You don't do that in industry? ^
I came from industry so from my viewpoint the flexibility is not comparable - love it here
PwC1 - Eating as a group. People in my firm eat at their desks.
Leaving in 1 week and I can already tell you: NOTHING! Not the hours, time entry, expense reports, clients, managers, staff...NOTHING.
They won't need meal reimbursement cause that won't be working so hard
My shit firm doesn't have meal reimbursement (they do but cheap partners don't want you to use it) and I can't work from home (I can, like after a 10 hour day in the office or at a client's office, work more hours from home, but I can't just work from home whenever I feel like it)