Need advice: currently have no investments in any form but looking to start with $25k. I have been slowly learning by myself but would appreciate insight on where to start. Recommendations on ETFs or index funds? TYIA

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Open a vanguard account. Read about vtsax. Read about vbtlx. The largest equity and largest bond mutual funds. Come up with an asset allocation target. (Generally 100 or 110 - your age = equity percent)

Or you can do an easy alternative and throw everything into the target date fund. Set it and forget it. This is a perfectly acceptable thing to do too


This is very good advice. If you’re saving for the long term (5+ years) I’d put it all in VTSAX, let it grow and ride things out. If you intend to use that money sooner, home purchase maybe, put 20% in VBTLX and the rest in VTSAX.

This is our strategy. We are saving for our dream house, which we probably won’t start building for five years, maybe more. I have us all in an S&P500 fund for now, but we’ll shift part of that to a bond fund when we can see the purchase on the horizon, then probably cash out entirely a few months before we start building to ensure our budget is set and safe.

Wondering if target funds are more expensive than creating a portfolio?

Do you mean if it’s a lower fee to buy individual stocks yourself rather than invest in a mutual fund?

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