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This pollen out here ain’t it, Chief.

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so you’re asking for a list of animation houses i hate and want to screw over?
I get working over the holidays isn’t ideal but this is advertising. Don’t act like it’s unheard of. And they wouldn’t be screwed over is they accept the gig knowing the timeline and expectations and get paid for it.
Subject Expert
That timeline sounds attractive 👍
Uh... right. That’s why I reached out to the FB. But ya know, appreciate you pointing out the obvious.
Try fiver
Gonna pass. I have worked with an amazing one this year. But I like them.
Don’t you think it should be their call to turn down a project if they don’t want it, not yours?
Have you tried looking at
This post I’ve created is
Subject Expert
What kind of animation? 2D or 3D? Need more information on the Wythe you’re after.
Working not working is a great call. Thanks dor all of these, I’ll check out the other ones as well.
I get the timeline is rough. That’s why I posted here. I figured someone out there could use a project. But I appreciate the jokes, they’re super helpful. 👏
Super helpful! Thank you. Love some of these guys but haven’t considered all of them.