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Im losing sleep over this...
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I had only 1 embryo come back normal after biopsy so I understand your hurt and frustration. But I hear every cycle can be completely different so don’t lose hope yet because those are still great numbers. I only retrieved 6 eggs to begin with. On my 2nd round now and hoping for the best🙏🏼 wishing the best for you and your 2 embryos too!
So sorry to hear about your numbers, please just know that you are not alone. Hopefully another round will have better results. Remember, all it takes is one good one!
Thank you! I will have to do a second round too. I felt like I started with great numbers at the beginning. Wondering if the doctor will have any answers to why the numbers dropped so much.
I was 34, had 11 eggs retrieved, only 1 embryo so similar percentage.
I am currently on my second round of stims.
First round: 17 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 3 blasts, all abnormal.
That was two months ago. I’ll be 43 on Sunday.
Hello, I started the process when I was 38 and discovered I have PCOS. I’ve done 2 rounds. My first round: 11 eggs retrieved, 6 fertilized and 3 embryos. Pgt results all 3 embryos were abnormal. I felt like a failure, but decided to do a second round of IVF.
Second round: I was 39 and completely changed my diet during the process and took supplements:
# of eggs retrieved: 30
# of eggs mature:27
# of eggs fertilizednormally: 27
12 embryos
Pgt tested 6 normal
As you can see, there was a major drop in the amount of eggs/embryos that advance. Please try not to get discourage.
Do you mind to share what adjustments to diet you made ? And what supplements? I will have to do a second round, trying to figure out what adjustments need to be made. Doctor mentioned omnitrope.
I was 41 and did IVF back in the day. 19 eggs, 11 fertilized; 5 quality, all 5 transferred (that’s how they did it back then) 1 took and is now 23. So while disappointing to have drop off hang onto hope
Op - if you don’t mind sharing, what was your stim protocol? Overall you had a great number of eggs retrieved
They didn’t no anything as they resolve on their own normally if they aren’t too big. They thought the one I had resolved and it was a larger follicle that had grown. But during my retrieval there was no egg and so my doctor thinks it may be just been the cyst the whole time.
33 yo; husband is 34.
Round 1 - 19 retrieved, 15 mature, 15 fertilized, 4 biopsied, 2 pgt normal
Round 2 - 17 retrieved, 13 mature, 13 fertilized, 4 biopsied, 2 pgt normal
Turns out we have high dna fragmentation with sperm sample. Tried to do PICSI for round 2 but the volume of the sample was insufficient the day of to use 😔
We changed our protocol for round 2 to try to improve egg quality (estrace, omnitrope, change in dosage on antagonist protocol) which helped w the embryo grading but drop off was still high for us
For us it was based on elimination. Our doc said the way I responded and the quality of our embryos based on changed protocol indicates that our drop off rate is due to fragmentation
The book “It Starts With the Egg” has some great insights on this topic around inputs to egg maturity/why #’s drop etc
I'm 39. Antagonist protocol. 225 Gonal, 150 Menopur. Day 6/7 full vial of Cetrotide. 40 iu Lupron + novarel trigger. Stimmed 10 days both rounds.
ER1: 22 eggs retrieved, 18 fertilized. 4 blasts, 2 normal. I was really bummed too at the drop off. But my doc warned me beforehand to expect at least 50% drop at each update. He was pretty happy with our results.
ER2: 27 retrieved. 16 fertilized. Waiting for results! Added omnitrope every other day and zymot for sperm selection.
Thank you everyone who responded, it makes me feel better and not alone!
38 years old
27 eggs retrieved
21 matured
21 fertilized
8 biopsied
Five normal