So today was my first day on a stimulant (diagnosed as an adult), and everyone says its suppose to feel like *boom* magic, or normal (?) , I guess. Knowing that is figurative, what should I actually be expecting? I feel mostly the same, I think, though I came in and actually did started my work today. But I mean, somedays I do that...I just don't want to psyche myself out if I'm expecting too much. Or pscyhe myself in if I actually might not be experiencing what I should.
Maybe try walking first if you’re not already.
Walk before you run. Do it consistently enjoy being out and it'll come to you. Walking is great!
Start small and build up. 20m/3 days a week. Sometimes you will feel like can do way more, others you will feel like doing nothing at all, but building routine and consistency is key for integrating into your life. Think of it as a lifestyle and not a hobby. Also, if it doesn’t hurt you’re not doing it right!!
No pain, no gain! 💀 💯
Start slow so you don’t burn yourself out!! Once you get into a stride (ha), it will be easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle! Good luck!!
Are you me?
Before anything.. figure out if you have time in the day and if not, then how can you carve out some? Make it 30-45mins and then go for walks or look at YouTubes do at home exercise- put alarm or reminders on your phone/calendar wherever it helps you give nudge.
The problem is not motivation, problem is procrastination- thus deal with the latter, motivation will come within 2 weeks you set the rhythm
I’m facing the same problem and my project is softly killing me but I take out two hours for my walk - post meal works for me but I do it.
Put on your clothes and shoes and just get out there! Fresh air and sun feels great
Find an accountability buddy. Which city are you in?
DM me. I'm in Canada as well and want to have an accountability buddy
I’ve used the 5k Runner app a couple times to work my way up to 5k. It adds more running incrementally which I really like. Also, make sure you have good shoes. Go to a place where they can analyze your gait and recommend the right shoes for you.
Running is hard on the body and not the best way to lose weight. Why do you want to start running? I’d do weights and spinning instead. Running will likely lead to injuries if you’re overweight and don’t run at least 5x per week.
If you’re looking to lose weight and have access to a treadmill, try walking at a 2.5-3.5 pace on an incline of 8-10 for 20-30 minutes at a time. This will be a lot easier on your joints and help prevent potential injuries. You got this!