Need to pay for some personal things. Better to use cash in bank and have less in there or pull money early from certain investment accounts? Accidentally contributed more than I wanted from my paycheck with auto deposit.

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No way to answer without more details. What kind of investments are you talking about? Can you change your auto deposit? Do you have a credit card you can use until you have more cash? Is the cash you have checking or emergency fund? How long would it take to refill the emergency fund if that is what the cash is?


I changed my auto deposit already but it took a while to process. Investments could be Roth IRA, Roth 401k, or other stocks. Cash is in two checking accounts I have. Total cash: around $20k. Total investments: around $50k. Was planning on using cash for other investments but I know most people will say use cash and build it back up after.

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Thank you in advance.


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🦮 to the 🚀🚀


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