Never drinking anything at our agency that comes out of a pitcher. Accidentally got drunk after three glasses. Was not planning on it. FML

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Go on...the real confession is all the embarrassing things you did.


Hahaha, it’s planning season. I rarely do anything cool these days. I did, however, wake up with a plate of nachos next to my bed. 🤤


3 glasses is a fair amount

Was this kool aid for a meeting?

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Can ask anything here


I am looking for suggestions/advice on roles that pay well enough and offer good WLB. I started traveling again and have realized it isn’t something I can continue to do. I have really enjoyed connecting with my family during Covid and am starting to develop anxiety and depression over traveling again. Prior to consulting I was a mechanical engineer in product design and most of my consulting career has been in designing and sizing EBITDA improvement programs.


Second year at lit boutique. Being asked to draft a lot of briefs from scratch. Work product is great but I take way too long. Not necessarily procrastinating. I just struggle to get a flow state. I rewrite the same sentences over and over. Constantly restructure outline. Always stop to check westlaw. I want to just power through a first draft and add cites/revise prose later. But can’t figure out. Flow state only comes when I’m backed against a wall. Currently on medication. Any other tips?


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Finally pulled the trigger on it. It seemed to work for my healthy hair but for the overly damaged bits it did not seem to work. Also I think the high heat from flat ironing during the procedure put the damaged hairs over the edge. Going to go back to the salon and see if there’s anything they can do. Anyone else have this happen? Just for some context I’ve been bleaching my hair for years and as a result it can’t really handle high heat


I recently left my big law role to start my own firm, and I need health insurance since that was a benefit with my prior firm. Any tips on where to find good coverage? Is it considered a business expense or a tax deduction? I don’t anticipate to be making much income this first year if that makes a difference.


This is probably a long shot.. but any OR RNs at Virginia hospital center in Arlington VA?


I’ve had back pain, either in lower back or sciatic nerve for the past 8 months. I got released from physical therapy around the holidays because I was making improvements and wasn’t in pain. However, since returning to work and working busy season hours it’s difficult to stay seated for most of the day. I bought a standing desk, but was wondering if anyone has any suggestions? I need to make some serious changes as I’m 27 and should not have this much back pain so young 😢


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My mother was in a collision. Other driver admitted fault. Her vehicle needed and entirely new frame. She lost 9 days of work. She is treating with chiro on lean. She has not spoken to the other drivers insurance at all. Chiro said they will tell me when she is “done” treating. At what point should I reach out to the other insurance’s adjuster? And what should I say other than she is still treating?


I started working out and cleaned up my diet with the main goal being weight loss, but I'm really frustrated.

It's been a month, I feel like the effort I put in is huge and exhausting, but I haven't lost a pound, although I can see there's been a bit of muscle gain and I lost half an inch from my waist.

How do I find the motivation to keep going when I feel like the progress is so minimal?


Honest question. Does LinkedIn give people cancer??


This time last year I knew I needed to stop drinking, but I couldn’t. This year, though, I’m putting my health first. Starting day 2 of sobriety and hope to keep it up. Thanks to this group for all the support and encouragement shown to those of us struggling with such powerful addictions.


Have any of you worked in FM and then started practicing HIV medicine? I am working toward an AAHIVS credential, but am wondering if I need to leave my current practice vs try to incorporate treatment where I am. No one else treats HIV in my clinic currently, and PAs in my clinic are not currently paneled but I have a lot of autonomy in my team despite technically seeing patients with an MD listed as PCP


My confession is that I have seen the medical field change so much over the past 20 years, that it's unrecognizable in both good and bad ways. More people are leaving than staying, and I am worried the quality of care is dwindling. I try not to burden friends and family with some of the things I've seen recently, but the short version is that I'm no longer sure I have faith or trust in it myself.


I have a disability as listed on job apps. It's minor and completely controlled by medication.

Is disclosing it on the application helpful or a hindrance to getting the job?


Hi fishes,
I'm 22 and planning to take a life insurance. I'm comparing all policies and max life seems attractive as it has good claim settlement ratio and less premiums. But there is no office near our area. My worry is that if there is a need to claim in future, it can be done all online by my nominee? Is it recommended to take policy online in any platform(like policybazaar)?
Other options I'm considering are SBI life, HDFC life which offices are available in my locality.
Please guide


Is it just me or is hardly anyone wearing masks nowadays? Some clients come to showings without masks and it's really aggravating.


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hi - new to this bowl. I want to make sure I’m not being irrational or dramatic lol.

My boyfriend forgot my upcoming birthday. He scheduled a pick-up hockey game on that day and when I asked him about it, he said it was important to him to play hockey with his friends and we could celebrate my birthday a different day. for context, we’ve been dating for over a year and he knows how important celebrating is to me. im pretty close to ending it... thoughts?


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Join Cognizant after Career break - Manual and Automation Testing Opportunity

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How long it takes for cap-exempt to be processed these days in normal processing ?

hi all! using a moniker for privacy reasons - i’m a graduate consultant at a boutique shop in Sydney ~3 months of experience after a bachelors in business from UTS (graduated earlier this year). my 485 expires in Oct 2024, and i’m keen to stay back after that - can anyone who’s been there done that share some things that i can start doing to help my chances of being sponsored? this might include things i can do on the job as well as other options like networking.. thanks!


Is FDD available in Charlotte, NC with the big4? Or is it only in larger cities? (e.g. Atlanta, nyc, Chicago, etc)


Additional Posts in Advertising Confessions

Whenever I get an ACD or up to laugh at a comment or post on Fishbowl I feel like I’ve beaten the system.


Bored at work so spent my day on reddit and pottermore. And got paid for it. Thank you salary jerb.


Our agency had two founders. They just split because one sexually harassed an employee, but the good partner somehow lost the lawsuit and now we’re stuck working for the asshole. Do we have leverage?


I'm tired of "pushing boundaries." I just want to do work that's good enough.


My partner and I just flipped a coin to see who has to go to the client tomorrow. I lost.


I wish I worked in the PC era (pre-cell phone).


Find a place with good data or creative chops, and you'll fit in n better coming from "the other side." For example, look into Olson Engage vs Olson.


One of my superiors said something racist about the coronavirus to me (I’m Chinese) and now I’ve just lost all respect for him.


My girlfriend is interviewing at Verizon’s in house agency. Thoughts?


Starting to get mini anxiety attacks from work and I feel defeated. Feel like I should be strong enough to deal with everything, but I feel like work is beating me down

Not sure which bowl to post this in, so I’ll write it this way: I confess I don’t know much about agency retainer fees. How much, on average, does an agency charge a client for creative AOR?


I wear headphones most of the day. Am I listening to music all day? No. But it’s a great way for people to leave you alone, especially if you add a head bob. 👍🏼


work for a hus & wife agency where she’s sole reason it’s successful but she’s given him (with 0 agency experience) a co-CEO role. He’s combative, distrusting & ruining culture. What do you say?


ADs: do you carry your weight w/ your CW partner? Or do you make them take your .001% baked non-ideas and—magic!—turn them into great, on-strategy, original, fully baked actual THINGS you can present internally & to clients w/o getting fired? I ask because I honestly feel like I should be paid 1000x more than my AD partner. All they do is say e.g. "It should look badass like ETERNALS" or "Let's get that Lizzo song" & then basically go nap until it's comp time while I figure other 99.999% out :(


Waiting for ”the call” from the new agency, to give my notice to the current one. Days go by slowly, and every unknown caller gives me the shivers. I’ve lost my motivation with the current agency.


Creative Circle made me meet them in person at their office, fill out their paper work, called all my references only to blast me daily with junior level roles. I’m a fool. I’m a fool in man’s shoes.


I don’t know why, but the combination of election uncertainty mixed with being in production on three separate projects is making me reaaaaaaally hungry. 🍳🥪🥗🌮🧆🍿🍪🍩


My coworkers not only accepted my weirdness, but they feed it by throwing me into mosh pits and by going to fall out boy covers with me


Dear strategists, "it's a win win" is not a useful, unique or helpful strategy.
