New casual Friday trends

Hiring Now..!
interested candidates, share CV's to
FPGA with High-Level Synthesis (HLS) experience (2+ years’ experience) – Highest Priority – TVM and BLR
Experience working in Xilinx Ultrascale+ MPSoC devices
Experience working with Vitis, Vitis HLS, Petalinux etc
Posting for love to be able to DM. Thanks.
I learned to just deal
First day of discovery workshops.
Found the linkedin post
🐝 living the dream
Give it a couple days to settle
Consultants pijama this season
Been 30+ years and I’m still learning
At least I tried.
Has anyone else realized this recently too?
Libertarian revolution time
It's that time again.
It’s a daily struggle
Back to work!
It’s all strategy
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