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If you say “work wife” I’m judging you. Grow up
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Also newish dad of 6 months. Pre vaccine we wouldn’t let anyone see our baby. I think we will loosen up now so long as they are vaccinated. While not 100% risk free, we would probably let the BIL hold our baby, but it’s still a very personal choice. If he’s not vaccinated, would not even go near him
@PwC 4 you’re a genius, i love this.
I would hope that as a nurse, he wouldn’t be willing to hold your baby without a mask. My youngest was born in Jan 2020, so most of his life has been with masks. When I meet someone’s baby now I always wear a mask, even if the parents say I don’t need to.
That’s interesting - I personally would still wear one while holding a baby that’s generally at higher risk of catching something or I wouldn’t hold the baby. My nephew was born in October 2020, we don’t wear masks around their family because my MIL goes back and forth watching kids so we’re effectively a pod at this point. I just didn’t hold him when we was really young and kept a reasonable distance because I would hate to be the reason something happened to him.
We wear masks everywhere we need to but have stopped wearing them around a very small group of friends. We have people on both ends of the spectrum in our family, from “covid is fake/not bad” to “covid is the worst thing ever”, so it can be difficult to set boundaries for yourself and your family.
Ultimately, it’s your baby and your family, so your boundaries to set. We just went through this wish asking my FIL to not smoke weed right before he is with our kids and his reaction was terrible and he and my husband aren’t speaking but my husband is totally fine with it because it was something he felt is important for the health and safety of our kids.
Congratulations on the new addition to your family The baby part is hard but also amazing!
BIL holds baby with a mask only.
Pov as a mom of a 3mo who had family just visit. This was the rule from the pediatrician. Always blame the pediatrician.
But my point was the only thing that saved me from being the villain was blaming the pediatrician
The vaccine doesn’t prevent against sickness it prevents against severe sickness. Personally, that’s not a risk I would take given that the studies regarding transferred immunity from breast feeding aren’t complete yet. But it also depends- is BIL vaccinated? Which vaccine did he get? What precautions has he taken?
Understand the desire to introduce your baby to the world. 100%. But we’re so close to herd immunity (check out the oliver Wyman pandemic tracker to see how your state is doing), I think you should wait a month or so
We have been incredibly liberal throughout the entire pandemic and have a 3 month and 2 year old. We wear masks as legally required but other than that have maintained a wide social network. Our oldest participates in toddler classes like dance, gymnastics, soccer, etc. We have lived our life to fullest while following the CDC guidance for the most part, but never going beyond it. I traveled for business as well.
No one got COVID and everyone is fine. My children are thriving from all the interaction they get.
I know everyone has their own risk tolerance but I felt I would share our families view. Not that it matters but we are Democrats. I don’t disagree with the science of COVID but we felt the trade offs of living a sheltered life for us were not worth it.
You’re a dem but apparently a reasonable one who uses common sense and is not a scared to death sheep like most of them. Hats off to you.
I’d suggest a mask or just wait a couple of months (even if the situation doesn’t change your child gets stronger).
But to put some of your fears to rest a bit, we have a 6 month old. My wife came down with covid when the baby was about 2 months (literally went out once to the dentist... what luck). Her case wasn’t terrible and shockingly I never got it. We are assuming the baby got it though because they seemed more tired and maybe a little fussier/stuffier but that was it. No real issues past that and guidance from doctors is to just sit tight unless they get a fever which never happened. Honestly I think a side effect of it ended up being that the extra fatigue got him into better sleeping habits - has been sleeping 10-12 hours straight at night ever since.
Anyways, hope that calms some fears. Obviously don’t take unneeded risks but it’s not the end all be all for a baby so wouldn’t lose too much sleep over it (you’ve got plenty of other reasons to lose sleep!)
How old is baby? I’m with the “blame the pediatrician” comment. Even before covid I didn’t let anyone touch my newborn, they don’t have a functioning immune system for a long time.
That aside, if your concern is that he’s a nurse working at a hospital, I’d let that one go, they know how to deal with safety at most hospitals, and he’s probably been more safe at his job than any non-nurse friends you have going to their jobs. I’d let the pendulum swing in favor of him being a nurse at a hospital in that regard.
But yeah, either masks or you don’t get a baby, that’s my opinion lol.
That’s very true on the nurses comment. He’s definitely someone who is serious about following protocol. I’m going to talk to our pediatrician about it!
Yes. Also most nurses were the first to be vaccinated
It’s still unclear if the vaccinated cannot be carriers, from when I last read up on the risks.
put a mask on the baby !
This is the dumbest response
I would see them, but not allow them to hold the baby.