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This is what we need to be talking about

When two BIPOC folks leave back to back

Yay! It’s “diversity” y’all! 🙄

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You sure this isn’t a Pepsi ad?
You should tweet that to Gucci. Make it viral
But what is this ad even about?? I don't get the setting or point so zero context
Its a black and white painting, you have to try really hard not to depict POC.
I'm trying. I shared with all the Diet accounts on Instagram. I'm no social media star so y'alls help is always appreciated!
I would tweet to buzzfeed, huffpo, WWD, any other sites ,and Gucci at the same time.
Black guy won't make the 4:3 cut.
Share the URL of your tweet so we can retweet!
That whole campaign is abhorrent. Co-opting some 1960’s French student protests to sell $700 belts 🖕🏼🙄🖕🏼
Maybe it went something like, "How many buckets of paint do we have left? Ah crap... Maybe if we make some of the faces lighter?"
What EP 1 said!
Is it a protest scene or some kind of singer performing? Sorry, I don’t recognise the image and want to know if it’s well-known?
Apparently this is just the OOH version of a campaign that launched earlier this year: