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JOIN US: Part 2 of Kitchen Chemistry. I am excited to partner with the American Association of Chemistry Teachers, for the second time, to bring you simple, do-it-yourself at-home chemistry experiments and demonstrate how to enhance your distance learning chemistry lessons. Sign up here:
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Te a ching RSP/SAI. Any help on how
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Lots of practice. . . Behavioral skills training
Visuals, social stories. Use positive talk! Instead of “don’t run” you would say “please walk”.
I recommend looking on Teachers pay Teachers! Simply Special Ed has a great routines packet that I use with my students with moderate to severe disabilities! It allows the students to cut and paste the different steps into the order they should be completed. Hope this helps!
Use visuals like pictures, videos and repetitive modeling & practice. And positive praise to reinforce the procedures and routines. They need support along the way to be successful! If you have a student who “gets it” give him/her the opportunity to teach or model for the others.
Lots of repetition. I say eyes watching, ears listening, voices quiet and bodies calm about 100 times a day but it works and the kids say it with me. Lots of visual supports. I second teachers pay teachers if you search behavior supports on there, there are tons of great tools! Congrats and welcome to the club :)
Classroom rules should be posted and reviews often! Be consistent! Have a class wide positive reward program in place so students are motivated ( movie afternoon after ____ days, pizza / ice cream party?, etc.
I’ve been teaching 34 years and the wisest words of wisdom, I learned my freshman year of college
Be Firm
Be Fair
Be Consistent
Applies to all grade levels!
Shaping with lots of practice and room for error early on. Reward good behavior (Good Behavior Game) and look into ABA classroom resources like functional routines and PRT.
Super positive celebrations of every desired behavior!
Sonday systems. It’s based on Orton Gillingham. Lindamood Bell phoneme sequencing (LiPS)