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Has anyone been to MJQ on a Wednesday night? 🤔
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Join us for our first virtual panel on Tonight, Wednesday May 20th at 5 PM EST, Navigating the Ad Industry When the Economy Sucks. Tom Christmann & Paul Fix, award-winning ad creatives and co-deans at Adhouse, will be joining us and taking questions.
More info and calendar links in comments.
Would anyone recommend any good podcasts?
The Verrazzano is the longest bridge in America, and the Staten island ferry is one of the best views of the harbor and the statue of liberty.
You must only travel to and from, you must never stay there.
My two exes are from Staten Island and the last sentence is the funniest and truest thing I’ve read on this app. Don’t stay 😂
lol no
Ride the ferry to get the view of the Statue of Liberty, immediately get back on the boat and come back to Manhattan.
Just watch What we do in the shadows instead
I imagine most people from the rest of New York City haven’t actually been to Staten Island. Unless they own a car, then they may have driven through it at some point.
I’ve been several times to hang out with friends of friends. My answer is still that it’s not worth visiting.
There’s a DQ in the SI Ferry Station! Drink a beer on the way over, grab a Peanut Buster Parfait, and hop back on the boat. Dinner of champions!
The ferry is the best deal in the city. It’s free, has great views and $4-$5 dollar beers. The island itself has some of the best Italian food in the city.
Just the ferry, take a round trip. It’s free and they serve alcohol
I once tried visiting Staten Island with an open mind after people said it was a trash place and to stay away, then I stepped on a stray needle in the parking lot of the bus station literally just after arriving, so I had to be rushed back to a hospital in Manhattan. So that was my open-minded and very short-lived Staten Island experience lmaoo — feel free to draw whatever conclusions you want!
There’re some legit Sri Lankan restaurants there…
Actually while I was sincere about Dairy Queen I almost forgot this place is definitely worth the trip. Pier 76
(718) 447-7437
It’s within walking distance of the ferry, and one of the owners is the son of a Joe & Pat’s founder. Obviously we have an embarrassment of pizza riches in this city, but combined with the free ferry experience it’s fun if you’re looking for an adventure.
Only if you plan to take a shit in a brown paper bag and leaving it there and then quickly leaving.
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depends. theres not much to do but there are nice neighborhoods to drive by and see
Joe and Pat’s pizza is pretty good, and worth a visit. Most things are really just decent and worthwhile if you drive, have a family, and don’t want the crowd—namely the zoo and the mall. If you have to rely on public transportation or ride apps, absolutely not. I also have family there who I visit for BBQs, boxing PPVs, and other gatherings.
Otherwise, it’s just my drive-through path to New Jersey whenever we need to go there.
Lived there for three years and talk about it like I served jail time.
Parole with a curfew at the very least. I didn’t have a car at the time, so I’d end nights in Manhattan by 11 just to avoid riding late-night ferries with the scum of the earth and waiting + riding the bus for an hour or more to get home, just to catch the last express bus out—or pay $100+ in a yellow cab pre-Uber. Darkest time of my life.
Are you NYPD or NYFD? No? Then don’t go
22yrs in NYC and never been to SI. It’s literally 🗑️
better than the other boroughs except manhattan