Nina started watching me from the table, then she quietly loafed on my chair’s back. But then she decided that my shoulder was a better place to nap!

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My micro-manager :)

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Cold weather calls for cuddles ❤️

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My favorite helpers ☺️

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I couldn't find my hairbrush this morning, so I used his. He's still confused about it.

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Tis the season 🤦🏼‍♀️😂🎄

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Has anyone here dealt with cat allergies? I was originally not allergic to cats but developed allergies after over a year of getting my cat :( I have been taking allergy medications for a few months and considering getting immunotherapy. Would appreciate any advice on allergy shots / medications that have worked for others. TIA!


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Has anyone used those home test kits with hydrophobic litter and test strips to test urine for glucose, blood, pH, etc.? I have a cat with kidney disease and thought I’d try one to see if it could help with monitoring. It showed there’s a small amount of blood present. I’ll be contacting my vet, but wondering if anyone has had this happen and how reliable the tests are.


Cheddar making biscuits on the couch blanket

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Abu and Rajah.

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Didn’t want to be woken up

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Or shall we say “Meowwy Christmas”? 😹
Wishing you all and happy and blessed Christmas holiday season!

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It’s almost Friday! Happy rollings!

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He was helping.

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What will they make next lol 😻

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Someone please tell me which breed this is TIA

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