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Which one are you 😂
Hi, I am currently making a lateral move from a B4 Real Estate Tax group to another B4 RE Tax group. The current offers are for both Chicago office. The first offer came from PwC RE Tax at 105K base with 15K Bonus. Deloitte BTS with 40% of the work also being RE (already knowing PwC offer) offerer is100k base plus 15k sign on bonus. I tried to negotiate the bonus with Deloitte, but recruitment replied immediately no final offer, meanwhile PwC has raised the sign on to 24k bonus. Wwyd?
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I finally came to the conclusions you're never all the way caught up in public and if you are you get someone else's crap. Start drawing a line on what can wait and what's actually urgent so you're not running yourself into the ground
Try 8 years.
That’s why I left. Life is better now
Stop asking for work. Read learning materials
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized this is just part of life. PA demands a lot for sure, but I also have endless house work and my family, husband, kids and friends need attention too. At some point you have to come to terms that you can’t do everything on your to do list and give yourself some grace.
I’ve been in PA (tax) for over 20 years, and it’s been like that most of my career. But this past year has been brutal.
You’ll never be able to catch up. Accept the chaos and do the best you can to organize and prioritize based on client size and deadline.
Same here in industry
Totally depends on the industry position. I have clients that work more than I do. I also have some clients that probably do 10% of what I do. Just depends.
Welcome to public accounting
Same. So this busy season unless it was immerse urgency i just got by with min/8 hrs /55 hrs during busy season. I’ve always been on top of things or at least close enough but i just got burned out because i worked late and weekends all year around. This year raises are going to be shit so why kill your self