Nothing like a good dose of anxiety just because your afraid you will less something up soon. Happy Friday!

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I feel this. Hang in there!

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Additional Posts in Lawyers with ADHD

I used to think I had adhd but it turns out I’m bipolar. Just throwing that out there if you’ve never checked.


Does anyone have tips/methods for staying on top of all the little things? I’m in litigation and it’s a constant struggle to make sure I have accurate and up to date ‘bring ups’ and that I float anf rename all my emails and get all my time in and update my partner etc. like I can maybe get 1 or 2 but I’m never on top of everything and it’s so hard!

My partner now accepts and understands I am just going to have some organised chaos but also I want to make this little shit work for me!


What are your best tips and strategies for keeping track of time and billing during the day? I recently went from a practice where my workload and tasks were 6-8 hour blocks a day (primarily taking days long deps) to one where I do a blend of litigation and litigation management. I’m finding that I’m missing huge chunks of time at the end of the day and I have no idea where it’s going.


How do you guys get out of unproductive loops? I'm constantly starting something, staring at it, switching tasks, making no progress, and the cycle continues...


Anyone else? This is one of the things about my ADHD that makes work so difficult!

Post Photo

Did anyone get diagnosed later in life? I always wondered if the reason I struggled so much in law school was because of untreated ADHD. I didn’t retain much from law school although I guess it really doesn’t matter in the end.


I hate people defending themselves or others who use ADHD meds recreationally. Like I shouldn’t blame them for all the trouble I have to go to every month to get my prescriptions because it’s a bigger societal problem. 🙄


Update: a couple weeks ago I posted about disclosing my diagnosis to HR at my firm. We had a meeting ab 2 weeks ago and have been continuing the convo since. The firm is giving me a lot of the accommodations that I asked for, incl. daily reminders for time entry, written/verbal instructions, and weekly meetings with a mentor to review what I’m working on and help me plan/stay on track. There are still some pieces being worked out, (cont’d in comments)…


I’ve been on the same dose of Vyvanse since fall 2019. It still works. I notice a difference when I don’t take it. But I think I miss the rush I used to get when I would feel my meds kick in — like I could handle anything and I knew my meds were working. That plus the hyper focus that was still within my control (not the time blindness hyper focus where you fixate). Does anyone still get that? Is it worth trying to change my meds? Or is this just what it feels like to be “normal” now?


I have been working with a therapist since January and discovered I have ADHD, which has explained so much for me. I am still learning about it and trying to accept it, but I am really hesitant to even begin thinking about taking meds for it. Maybe it’s denial and I need to get over that mindset of “I can fix this” or that there’s nothing “wrong” with me and that adhd it’s just a phase in my life, but I really am just not there yet. Are there any natural things anyone has found to be helpful?


Can anyone offer advice for helping with adderall side effects? I was diagnosed a few months ago and I am new to medication. I have been taking 20 mg xr in the morning but have a terrible crash around 2/3pm each day where I just get very very tired. Doctor recommended 10mg ir mid day to combat but I still experience pretty severe fatigue as a side effect. Just wondering if anyone has found any natural strategies to cope or mitigate. Thanks!


Something I haven't seen mentioned here is Wellbutrin. If you're already on an SSRI for depression/anxiety I highly recommend asking about Wellbutrin to manage ADHD symptoms. Also gives a little extra energy without it being a stimulant which is important for me since I have a heart condition and can't join y'all on the amphetamine train.


I’m a 9th year in Big Law and have been struggling to get much work done the last 1.5 months. Mentioned this to my doctor at my recent visit, and she offered to increase my Vyvanse dosage, but I told her I wanted to see if it got better soon. I’m wondering now if it’s burnout. Anyone else experience burnout and see a decrease in the effectiveness of your meds, and if so, how did you overcome it?


I don't think I'm cut out for this career. My adhd gets in the way.


Billable hour question: is anyone else just completely incapable of keeping up with your time? I’ve been an attorney for 3 years now and tried everything I can think of to figure this out but I just can’t do it. It’s the same thing at the end of every month - staying up late entering in an entire month of time. Luckily most clients I work for are flat fee/percentage based but I still feel like a failure for not being able to do this thing that seemingly every other lawyer can do. Any tips?


Lately been wondering if my meds are even working anymore… had to skip today’s dose (long story not worth telling) and, yeah, can now confirm my meds are working.


Looking for actionable tips to improve efficiency. I’m a senior associate doing primarily employment litigation. I get great reviews on my work product, including my writing, but lately I’ve been getting feedback that I’m spending too long on tasks and partners are having to write off too much time (not good for partnership prospects). In particular, writing briefs, emails, and letters takes me forever, probably because it takes me a long time to form the right sentences. [Cont’d below]


I am a woman with pretty severe ADHD. I’ve taken medicine pretty much every day since I was diagnosed as a child. Currently I take Vyvanse with 10 mg Adderall. Even with the medicine, I sometimes I feel like I’m barely a functioning adult. My SO and I maybe want kids but I’m terrified of 1) do I have to stop medicine while pregnant and breast feeding, 2) could I even do my job without medicine, and 3) could I really take care of a baby?!? I’d love to hear other’s experiences or thoughts! Thanks!


Has anyone switched from Adderall to Vyvanse? Any thoughts on effectiveness or side effects of either over the other? Thanks!


I finally got diagnosed with ADD, inattentive type, at 28 years old. I’ve known I had depression and anxiety for years, but the symptoms and treatment never added up. It took WFH in a pandemic to realize maybe I had ADD, and still months of being dismissed and made to feel like I was crazy before I found a doctor to administer the MMPI. I feel validated, finally, but I can’t help feeling grief too over so much lost potential and unnecessary failure, especially in law school and my career.


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