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I was interviewed 10 days ago n got email that I'm selected n asked to upload docs.They said my salary expectation is a bit high but I agreed to their mark(36% more than CCTC) as I was keen to get into that specific project.Now the HR called n said I can't be considered bcz of internal reason which can't be disclosed. She said "the market standards have been changed". I said evrythng was gud till ystdy rit. She said things changed overnight n she offered if I wanna join I can at join at jus >10% cctc
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The MD took over and put me to shame with no mouse. This was the exact scene.
Subject Expert
Haha don’t worry about it :)
That’s why you’ve got the learner’s license and he/she gets paid the big bucks
Subject Expert
Besides practice, what’s the best way to get better at shortkeys?
Subject Expert
Fair enough. That’s what I was afraid of! Something I want to get better at this year for sure
I’ve had that happen before OP. No biggie. I’ve realized that a very minimal amount of PMDs actually have that skill