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Hi folks, I've cleared technical round in EPICOR which is product based company. I've HR/manager round on next week. What salary i may expect from them?
Shall I ask 30 LPA? if I ask then they reject me?
FYI I've offer in mindtree and they are giving 18 LPA. Please pour your comments Tata Consultancy Infosys IBM Capgemini
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How are you investing your money right now?
Thoughts on 800flowers? Sell or hold
Your savings is wild but your life sounds immensely boring. I’ll go on vacation, out to meals and drinks with friends, and other forms of entertainment over flexing my savings accounts. But to each is own.
Fair enough, as long as your not sitting at home counting your money every Friday night haha
Flexing may be common, but only among dbags.
Try to have fun when you are young?
Yes. Bridge me from 170>320?
Yeah I agree longer term my expenses will go up but I do think my salary will too. Not many 23 year olds are making 120k but I’m still committed to growing it
No one cares about your flex. There is always someone bigger. Faster. Stronger.
Cool story bro.
wtf you doing at Accenture that got you $120 out of undergrad? I think I'm doing it wrong...
what industry? now I'm legit curious for more backstory on this 23 and $120 at Accenture. level and group? college? I don't see how it adds up, either you have the winning combination and hit the jackpot when they pulled salaries out of a hat, or everyone else I know at Accenture is grossly underpaid. fwiw: lvl 9, MBA, experienced hire, 2yrs at Accenture, tier 1 city.
120K × 70% AT rate = 84K
You're going to save 75K of that?
My taxes are less than 30k a year because I max out all retirement accounts and HSA. My total comp is also slightly higher than 120k so hitting 75k savings is possible
What type of returns are you assuming?
0 growth and 0 loss
What’s your salary at 23? How do you have so much saved up?!
120k. I live super cheaply and invest a lot
How are your expenses so low? Do you live with your parents? You'd have to be living off 15k a year to be saving 62% of your salary. My annual expenses are 140k.
Sorry I meant I don’t take vacations much. Travel for work every week
How did you pay for college?
How wealthy is your family? First class or private plane?
Household income was approx 90k growing up