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Unions gonna union. The data and science show schools can be safely opened without having everyone vaccinated, hence the CDC update.
Plenty of schools have been successfully in-person for months before the vaccine was ready. It is very possible to have schools be safe and open without vaccinations.
My child is not in school but in a daycare, which has been open since last summer. I’m extremely grateful they’ve been open. I don’t know how my husband and I would’ve survived if it’s not for them. The daycare hasn’t had a single case and we are in a densely populated city. I know there’s evidence kids don’t get/pass on the virus the same way as adults do so that might be the explanation.
I know some people think that it’s unsafe and can judge or make assumptions based on the fact my kid has preschool in person. But I also found people who do that either don’t have kids or if they do, they have a spouse who doesn’t work, etc. I would not be able to work if not for in person school.
In my state, teachers skipped ahead in line. Even in front of 75 year olds. And the union is still squaking about reopening 🙄
The CDC, WHO, etc. Will continue to flip and change their stances. The reality is no one knows what's going on. People are doing their best (hopefully) to understand this virus and how to best handle it but... at the end of the day we're all human
We live in France. Schools have operated normally since the Fall, and the government has seen no significant transmission in schools since then. Of course cases pop up, but it’s not like the flu where kids pass it easily to each other. They’ve found kids actually spread it less than adults. So yes, it can be done safely.
This is exactly how it is in parts of the US too. The schools aren’t the source of the outbreaks- it has actually been small gatherings at homes in my area so there is no need to shut down in person learning.
Data has shown schools not to be a significant source of transmission.
That’s insane. My mom is home sick with what is most likely COVID after one of her students contracted it, and was contact traced back to her class. She also said she has multiple students that have had COVID multiple times. Get these teachers their shots already!
What happens if you’re allergic to an ingredient in the vaccine? Or have another medical reason not the get the vaccine? You’re no longer able to work?
This is not the issue. The reason everyone who can get vaccinated should do so is to protect the people who can’t. Medical exemptions have always existed.
But reopening schools without making vaccines widely available to teachers is not good policy.
Amazing how the tune of this pandemic has completely changed the minute the election is over.