Nyc was pretty empty today. Lots of small businesses boarded up. We need more target stimulus toward small businesses agree or disagree? Contd.

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I also rode a Citi Bike along the Hudson River Greenway, all the way up to Riverside Park. I was dodging pedestrians, fellow cyclists, and people holding (non-socially distant.........) cookouts in the park, left and right 😂


NYC was popping today. Some places not as much as “usual” in the summer but others looked like COVID wasn’t a thing - talking about gathering outside of restaurants and in stores as well. It really, really depended on the area I think. Lots of areas were only partially masking. Source: Walked a bit of downtown - Tribeca, Soho, Nolita, Little Italy, LES, Chinatown, Civic Center, etc.

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I don’t know where you were but the entire weekend I saw NYC packed! Most restaurants downtown are doing outdoor seating and most small boutiques were open for business aka Phase 2 while we are technically still in Phase 1. Here’s a picture from LES....

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Why why why why aren't they wearing a mask it's like the only thing they have to do


You’re by Penn station on a wknd. Prob not the best example....


Lots of hotels just closed. Not many taxis. Felt like a scene from the movie Chernobyl.


What small businesses were ever by the library in midtown??


I stand corrected... good eyes!


They’re not boarded up because of covid. 😆


I came here to say this.

The West Village looks like a spring break town

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That's hot dogs and beer, but the lines are everywhere. Some places have smoothies in IV bags.

The White Horse Tavern has about 50 people outside of it at any given time.

Also, the Union Square Greenmarket was up and running this weekend - here’s a very distant view from the sidewalk outside the market

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I am surprised that you found it empty! There were tons of people at Madison Square Park in Nomad

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Looking at these photos and wish I live in NYC!


People were literally tailgating and bbq-ing in the street yesterday in Williamsburg. It was like a giant block party (my street is one of the ones closed to traffic right now). Stores and restaurants have also apparently decided we’re already in phase 2.


They are already putting tables out!!

Santana Row in Bay Area was totally dead and boarded up today. Usually it's crazy busy. Just a handful of folks getting their steps in and drinking Blue Bottle, like us.

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What?! NYC was popping this weekend. 😂


The blocks south of Times Square between 6th and 8th Avenues are like skid row. No one around but a lot homeless and unstable ppl. I was walking towards a citibike after cabbing back from the Rockaway (another social distancing nightmare), and the neighborhood felt dodgy af.


LIC packed

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Usually near Empire State thriving. Lack of tourism surely hurting the nyc.

Come to 3rd avenue! Murray Hill and Kips Bay is literally popping off (to a point where the city should probably do something about all the drunk 20-somethings lol)


Hudson River always packed. I am talking about consumerism.

I ride Hudson River all the time. I don’t spend a dime.

A few hotels completely shuttered is sad.

We gave plenty of non-Hudson River examples though


So basically NYC been reduced to a street fair in a few areas?

Walk around take out food. Move on. Have a drink.

Sure there drinking and take out. But that’s not what makes New York City great?

Waiting on phase II open.

I mean, I don’t know what you really want. NYC was, by far, hit the hardest in the entirety of this country, and arguably is up there with Wuhan itself on a global level. We’re opening at a pace that makes sense, and will ensure the safety of New Yorkers; this is what has to be done. There’s no “reset” button on all of this.


Positive note-

I saw about 80 pct people wearing masks on the upper west side of 96th.

Also definitely an excellent Time to bike around the city.

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