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Thanks for sharing..i have been feeling so normal since my diagnosis.


Thank you for this, it’s comforting.


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As someone with ADHD, the impulsive side of me speaks up in meetings without fully processing the information. Then when corrected, I beat myself up for the rest of the day.

What has ended up happening over time is that I have started to come off as an introvert (because of the fear of being wrong) and also with low confidence. This is not a good trait in client facing roles where we are constantly making recommendations and clients look up to us.

Anyone else deal with this?


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GMAT. Those with ADHD. I feel I can study better on meds, but I perform better when I’m off then during the exam. I’m stuck in a catch-22 of if I should: 1) use stims throughout 2) wean off stims a few days before exam. Anyone else with similar experiences?

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(I'm not sure if I have ADHD but it's the closest any thing has described my life so posting here, thank you for the safe space.)

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Need some advice & practical encouragement.


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