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What do you think about bonds
I think you just hold it and put it in Jan 1 for 2022 Roth IRA contribution upfront. I put the whole 6k up front this year. I’ll do the same next year.
I like that idea too. Tbh I don’t have an emergency fund (i just think I’d pull it out of my Roth IRA at no penalty if something happened) so may be good to do it too.
Yeah don’t worry about the child college savings plan. Payoff that debt first
For sure. I assume you mean 529 plans. I think some are tax deductible while others may not be. You can get plans in any state so there are a many options.
HSA? 529 for state deduction?
All student loans at 4.2%
Planning to go to business school in 2-4 years.
I save about 35k a year including employer match
Debt at 4.2% is getting close to the point where you may just want to work on getting it paid down if you have extra cash and won’t derail retirement savings.
If you just want to assume a blanket return of 5-8% in the market over that same time it would be better to keep paying it off on schedule and put the extra cash into a brokerage account. 1/7 of NW in crypto is too risky for my appetite, but if you are a believer, throw it in crypto.
Great perspective from both of you thank you!
Some 401ks you won't get the full match amount if you finish your contributions early. They base it off of per paycheck vs the total contributions or something.
Thank you D1!
Would any of you recommend trying to invest in real estate? Obviously 3k doesn’t make a huge dent, but if I want to buy a house in ~5 years (could be own home or investment property idk) should that 3k go somewhere else?
Thoufhts on a college savings plan for children too? (Not children not married but good chance this is where my life is headed)