One of the most frustrating things is having the partner “de-prioritize” your deal. They stop responding to questions, take forever to review things you’ve sent them and act annoyed when you try to follow-up. Does anyone else experience this?

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Do I even deal with partners? Sure.


Haha yep. Unfortunately right now it’s with the partner with whom I work the most.

Yes. And then it always come back as a fire drill.

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You will receive a monthly performance pay of Rs. XXXXX-. The same will be reviewed
on completion of your first Anniversary with the company and will undergo a change basis your own ongoing individual performance.

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Those who are need of career improvement join this bowl. Lets get the numbers high and climb high. I have created this place because there is no place where you can seek help from other fishes mainly on your career improvement.
Share the bowl max and add your friends . I'll be there to the max to manage this place. Let's unite and stay strong. ☮️


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Scare tactic or what?

Manhattan Law Firms Eye Wall Street’s Lead on Office Returns

As Wall Street banks and the law firms that advise them push to get employees back to the office, lawyers at most large New York firms are expected to hit targets of three days per week.
Hybrid schedules, with office work taking place Tuesday through Thursday, is a popular format at many firms. For law firm leaders, a major factor in RTO decisionmaking has been the need to develop junior lawyers who’ve worked..


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