Other than the S&P 500 what other safe options do people invest in? Currently, maxing out 401(K).

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Various other indices that seek to track the total market, or other size and style blends. Some include separate bond funds and international equity funds, others may look for funds that combine all of the above in one. A few to look at:


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I bonds


TreasuryDirect -> create account -> buy series I you’re done

How are you all maxing out on 401k? Put 15-16%?


EY you may want to confirm your math. Max is 20.5 but maybe the percentage of your bonus gets you there.


I mostly just have flavors of broad-market index funds across my 401k, Roth IRA, HSA, and taxable brokerage.


I agree with everyone on the index funds and ibonds, but ibonds aren’t really “investing.” It’s HYS. Still recommend maxing out. Just clarifying.


I bet OP is also exhausted, so maybe we can all take a nap. I think the only headline that matters is that ibonds are a safe place to put funds in the grand scheme of things, which I believe most of us agree on.

SP500, though indicative and correlated, is a subset of the total US stock market, and a smaller subset of the total world stock market.

VTI, VT, VXUS would give you exposure to medium and smaller sized US and world stocks, in addition to large/mega caps.




I actually think I have too much of my assets in 401k…what if I want to retire early?? I do 10% to get the match. Make sure to do Roth IRA (or back door).


Didn’t realize! Thank you.

I'm not doing this, but I bonds.

I was getting a nice return on stable coins, but I've pulled out until that entire industry sorts itself.

How are you defining safe? Not sure I would consider SP 500 safe


You can press the three dots top right and click follow btw.


A non US index is probably better

Why do you feel so?


Real estate for me

Hi I invest 1,000 monthly into an INDEX account and $750 monthly for my 3 children. The amount of taxes you will have to pay on a traditional 401k is ridiculous .

Not following your last sentence

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