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I got H1B Visa and 83000 USD dollar petition amount as annual package.I am confused as this amount will be enough to survive there with wife and 7 year old daughter.My wife is working here and together we are earning 50LPA annual.We are settled here by owning house too.Confusion is my wife will not be able to work there on H4 Visa so the kind of life we are living here will not be possible there.Thoughts?Suggestions?Pros and Cons?
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Brooks brothers or CT for dress shirts?
How do I dry-clean at home?
CT shirts and suitsupply or Brooks
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On Wednesday’s specifically
I refuse to wear a plain shirt unless it has some texture, which gives it some depth. All of my shirts have patterns. If done tastefully, you’ll get a lot of compliments and stand out from the rest of dummies on your team.
My oldest shirts are turning an interesting yellowish gray, idk if that counts
Shades of purple are also my fav.
You can wear any of these 3 colors: white, light blue or negative feedback.
Earth tones only
You’re picking up what I’m putting down
Yeah I’ve rocked anything from floral / polka-dot, pink or blue striped, to plain white. It’s more how you wear it and less what you wear.
Depends on how I’m dressing it. Tie = solid white/blue/pink
No tie - the entire world. Just nothing neon or super loud.
Mint green, beautiful shirt ❤️