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Bet there’s a load of backstory we aren’t getting on this one.
Pay your staff even more.
yep. seems like you aren't paying your ppl a competitive market rate. good luck with that
Pay your people enough that another offer doesn't tempt them. Tell me something, if another agency offered you a lot more than what you're making now, what would make you stay?
Call them up and challenge them on it. Then pay your staff more.
Get a ping pong table and beer on Fridays. Also, give them some inane internal award for recognition that doesn’t have a real benefit. Every agency seems to think that’s what people care about.
None other than that's the market right now. You'll need to look for whatever differentiates you / what you can offer that's unique and get people who look for that. Example, small shop in suburbs might be appealing to working parents or offer remote work versus big shot city shop with long stressful hours and everybody being just a number. You have a business competition problem so you need to figure out what your advantage is here. Maybe do a SWAT analysis on your talent situation
Find out what they want that they aren’t getting? Creative opportunities? Mentor ship, training? Generous Parental leave and flexible work schedules? Pay? Growth opportunity? Good clients? Don’t ask strangers, ask your people!
need a junior writer?
1. You’re lucky to know. Imagine if they were leaving and just popping up on LinkedIn under your ex’s agency.
2. Does your agreement with your ex-agency prevent you from doing the same?
3. Have one on ones with your staff and tell them they matter and that being part of a small team means something (hopefully that’s true).
4. Tell them that based on Q4 they’ll be up for a promotion. That way if/when they get an offer from your competitor they might go to you for a counteroffer (which will be worth it, rather than have the turnover).
Yes thank you @CD. The way it reads it seems like I’m suggesting you bait them. Not how I meant that to read They need to feel engaged. Offer the next step and mean it.