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Libertarian revolution time

Where r the dominant tops at?
I like my senior
Will Putin pursue a new world order?
aaja ve mahi tera rasta udeek diyan
Next Friday? What time works for people
Libertarian revolution time
Where r the dominant tops at?
Before shutdown, another partner in same practice group stated that they were leaving NYC because he lives in UWS and was afraid that “people in Harlem would start looting” during the lockdown.
If people are determined to see racism everywhere, that’s what they will see. ‘Dog whistle’ is a term deployed by the left to shut down speech they disagree with, by claiming that it’s racist.
I suggest that, in this context, a better interpretation would be that the partner was condemning the feral vermin - both black and white - literally running riot (and disproportionately looting black neighbourhoods, incidentally). If anything, greater condemnation is deserved by the white, left-wing ‘riot tourists’ going into black areas and trashing them.
Hi OP. General question - maybe this partner's comment was aimed at disapproving of the looting and not exactly racism?
I know for a fact that political statements are not recommended right now because the result will be exactly this.
Not trying to gaslight you or anything. Just provide a different perspective.
Yea, I mean, you can construe it that way (and certainly i think the partner). But it’s v hard not to see dog whistle language here. The need to mention sneaker stores being looted (many diff types of clothing stores and others were looted), makes it very hard not to see strong racial undertones to this.
Where is the racism? I read the paraphrase to mean he was trying to say the looters are uneducated.
I dont see the connection with shoes and race but maybe just not as plugged into all this stuff
Standing alone, it looks bad. Combined with the statement made by another partner, you can see how the top brass is thinking about it.
Wait for something to be in writing and send it to ATL.
Boohoo he called looters uneducated. Frankly they should be called worse things than that. I’m sure you wouldn’t be “floored” if the looters burned down your family business and trashed your apt.
I somewhat agree with that. At the same time, people share their personal views at work all the time. In general, that’s how people can build good working relationships, which can be important in legal practice.
Like maybe me not saying anything isn’t an excuse, I understand. And this is how this kind of stuff continues. But while no AA partners, many were POC. Nobody said anything.