Partner: How are you?
Associate: Overworked and under paid, you?

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I feel like this could've led with, "an associate, a partner, and a consultant walk into a bar"


I hear this in my head every time I read my notifications.

Hahaha. I feel so seen. This pretty much sums up my December.

Too accurate! LOL. I feel like I aged for a couple of years from the start of my practice.

I mean, you are not wrong. Overworked, underpaid, and exploited! LOL

I can feel every word in my soul and bones. Lol.

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Additional Posts in #OverheardAtWork

“It puts the em dash in the pitch deck.” Copywriter to art director, Silence of the Lambs style


"We're getting two girls and a gay goat."


“I feel like I’m the stupidest person here”
“You are not stupid. You literally work at one of the top consulting firms in the world”
“I literally got a 6% in one exam during undergrad”
“Well damn I guess you are stupid”


My EOY review is coming up. Here I plan to lobby for a promotion/raise (been at company for 1.5 yrs). Some backstory: During my hiring process I was told by my now boss and VP they were also going to hire a senior engineer to help me along. They never hired such senior engineer because I have over performed and do more than they thought I could (have been told this in 2 performance reviews). Thus, is it fair to ask for a raise and promotion to Senior engineer?


“Well, I guess I’ll take myself to YouTube University and figure it out.”

“YouTube University is better than most college degrees.”


Creative 1: “What’s that smell?”

Creative 2: “Oh, I think it’s me. I went to the bar for like 2 hours at lunch. I’ll just light a candle."


Bring your kids to work day edition:

“What I’m really concerned with is a head injury”

“Do you have to go potty before your meeting?”


Just heard a director say “if I have to circle back one more time, I’m going to hurl”. I honestly feel this lol


After me saying person has zero experience related to the role but would be a great fit in another part of the company … “but they are diverse” ps: I am too.


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About a Getty image “where is this skanky hoe”


Co-worker 1: why are you so mean?

Co-worker 2: I’ll try being nicer if you try being smarter. Deal?

Me👂👂to 1 + 2: 😬🍿😂


So a coworker friend overheard our department head discussing the budget for our position. Safe to say we are both grossly underpaid—her a lot more than me (a man), but even the difference for me is quite large (10k). Any advice on how to proceed?


Co-worker told me first time he met the partner on the engagement he said "you were supposed to be a girl".

The partner was trying to make team more diverse, not a creep lol.


Let me ask, at what point, when communication isn’t being returned, do you just go ahead and do the thing you’re inquiring/asking?

I’m fed up with communicating like a mad man to have nothing returned and then painted like a bad person/employee for not having work done.


My colleague at work who’s in the junior parallel role / receptionist just drives me crazy. As a Marketing specialist, I oversee our social pages + following on requests from there. Yesterday she said - “Maybe you could also reply to all requests on our general customer email?” I said I don’t know how to prioritise with my main responsibilities - boss and big boss present and stayed silent. Poor time management / ignorance / passive aggression? Feel pity for her! 😡
