People are lying when they say they like the cold and don’t mind five months of this weather right?

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This doesn’t last for 5 months. The rain turns to snow and it’s colder!


I like this weather, but wish it ended in March and not April.

I also prefer when it’s sunny and very crisp cold vs. a mucky grey mess.


Cold is not that bad. But the gray sky is ass


I like this weather haha but wish it was this way for like 2.5-3 months, not 5


This isn’t cold lol


I can handle the cold, I hate the wind


Who are these people?


Nah. I really do like it.

I really do like it 🥰 (born and raised, love the seasons)

This weather is downright nice though. Perfect for being active outdoors. Like a flannel and a light jacket is all you’d need for a walk

Cold won’t start for another month

I haven’t seen the sun in over a week here. That’s probably the bigger issue.

I don’t mind the cold. I know it’s extremely cold but I still prefer this over humid winters. I hate humidity.

I have started layering up and running in cold. It definitely helps. Wind makes it hard though.

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