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Additional Posts in Big Law
Lets slander Goodwin in this thread - go!
New to Fishbowl?
unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
Convincing someone how incredibly talented you are across all areas of human competency in the hope that they will trust you to track sig pages
I am making jest.
Ok, more seriously- The process of me switching to corporate was ridiculously hard for the simplicity of the work I now do as a Junior corp associate. I would take a hard look at what skills you have and what skills you want before switching.
May I ask, what about litigation do you dislike? What type of lit?
Edit: I see you clarified that you’re not looking to work at a law firm. So I guess you’re not looking for transactional. In this case, I don’t know
I found a big tech product counsel position. It’s an awesome job! There are lots of former litigators in these roles.
A6 - DM away! It’s Friday afternoon and I don’t really feel like working anymore.
I moved from lit to corp after about a year. Feel free to dm me.
To clarify - not looking to work in a law firm setting.
Such is life.