Currently in the US but interviewing for a UK-based firm and role. The comp level they are throwing around is £250k TC. Is this reasonable for a Director-level role with 12 YOE?
My comparator would be wait 18-24mo to become a consulting partner - in the US that starts at $450k/£325k.
For the purposes of this question, assume I’m optimizing for initial comp, not long term potential, and not livability, Intl experience, WLB, CoL etc.
24 hours. I only had a headache and felt a little more tired
My headache and fever kicked in exactly 12 hours after my second dose of Pfizer. Took 2 Tylenol and was fine 8 hours later. Swollen lymphnodes in my armpit for 3 days though.
12-24 hours for side-effects more severe than a sore arm. I felt like I had a mild hangover the next morning. I took some Ibuprofen right after, and again when I woke up, and felt better within a few hours. I know a couple people who were out for a day or two, but most had minimal side effects.
Had my 2nd on Tuesday, still feeling like beaten with a sledgehammer.
18 hours for me to start feeling side effects. Lasted 48 hours on and off with a fever and aches. Tylenol extra strength and ibuprofen really helped me.
I read 24-48 hours for pfizer. I developed covid arm on my 2nd shot (at the injection site so it’s warm and my skin has a red splotch there) & had a slight headache, but took Tylenol and that helped.
As an update, been over two days since second shot and had very mild symptoms. Slightly sore arm, tiredness, and light headache, but able to function normally. One of the lucky ones, I guess.