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Hello fishes, Need your suggestions. I have offers from Nagarro and Globallogic - both have similar offer amount (Nagarro has 5% variable and GL has 10% variable). GL is giving Noida as location Nagarro is PWFH. Yoe: 14,Project management stream.
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Happy St Patty’s! ☘️🥳
I got an offer from Infosys and the joining date was 12th December, I drop my resignation to my current employer based on the offer date and my LWD is 2nd December. But Infosys has delayed it by 20 days and revised it on 2nd January also they have sent me a addendum with new joining date. Now I am little anxious if it is due to the recession that has hit Indian market or if they again delay the joining. Please suggest do I need to withdraw my resignation or stick to Infosys offer.Infosys
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We can’t adequately fund JADC2 and other priorities because we are wasting budget on aircraft carriers, Abrams tanks, LCS, and every other missile target, congressional jobs-program remaining on the books.