I’m depressed, anxious, unmotivated, uninterested, easily frustrated, dead inside, etc. i pretend to be the opposite of me during interview and got the job. I’m starting the new job soon, do I continue faking it? I usually work with people who needs you to be nice and warm and involved and conversational and I force myself to be that and got burned out every day and I would hate faking again in new job..
Check Udemy or Coursera
Both are applicable for the hours required for the certification. Udemy - if you sign up for the first time costa $17. Coursera is $35 monthly if I'm not mistaken.
Thanks a lot. Will do that.
https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/google-project-management I always like coursera courses, they have different pricing structures.
Thank you for this link. I'll go over it.