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Hello fishes, Need your suggestions. I have offers from Nagarro and Globallogic - both have similar offer amount (Nagarro has 5% variable and GL has 10% variable). GL is giving Noida as location Nagarro is PWFH. Yoe: 14,Project management stream.
I need to know both in terms of work culture, WLB, job security etc.
Infosys Tata Consultancy Nagarro GlobalLogic
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Imagine you hire a butler
On our project we have some roles (ex. testing lead, project manager) that the client isn’t super interested in staffing because they’re temporary in nature that are filled by consultants on staff aug contracts.
Generally, staff aug means that the consultants are being directly managed by the clients instead of by Deloitte management. Clients are setting the agenda and plans and D teams are executing.