POLL. Please tell me your political party and whether you would be ok with giving dreamers and/or their parents green cards. If a bill was up for a vote to give dreamers and/or their parents green cards and you were talking to your representative, would you tell them to vote in favor or against? I want to see what people’s stances are on all sides.

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Moderate D. Agree with P1, minus citizenship. I’d make it a green card. Also make it a one time event.

I’d ramp up visas though for farm, and to a much lesser extent, construction workers.

Parents need to go though.


A one time pathway to citizenship, I’d begrudgingly accept. I feel like you need to balance the humanitarian aspect, with (very) long term immigration policy.


No party affiliation, typically lean towards voting Dem for federal office but have a strong libertarian bent. Citizenship for all Dreamers and their parents assuming no violent crimes committed in the US. Also supportive of making immigration to the US much easier overall for those without violent histories or indications of plans to commit violence.

Does easier mean turning those away when we hit limits? We can’t just admit anyone that wants to come. Also do you feel the parents should get it before others already in line?

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Legal immigrant waiting for GC from 13 years with no hope of getting it for the next 10 years. US need to fix their legal immigration process before rewarding illegals


Only one party preventing that.


Legal immigrant here waiting for a GC for 15 years and no hope of ever getting it due to a country quota. Wish I could re enter as a illegal and get a path to citizenship in 8 years.


That doesn't block a bill...

I'm also trying to figure exactly what you're referring to. Durbin often put the Dream act forward in the Senate and asked it to be passed through UC since Dems were in the minority. The majority doesn't need UC if the want to bring a bill forward. The Senate majority leader would bring up the bill.

Moderate... I think the dreamers should have a path for citizenship; however, the parents illegally entered into the country and should be deported.


The kids are here because at no fault of their own. The parents broke the law, they put their family in this vulnerable position. Sorry, but we cannot reward criminal behavior.


Conservative / yes supportive with sufficient runway, felony check, back taxes for parents. Children immediate


I believe it’s just pure partisanship that has put us in a vicious cycle.

The only way to diffuse is for some on the left to openly admit that
1. Not all of trumps policies were evil,
2. Bidens posture and messaging caused much of the current spike (Mexico’s President agrees) , and
3. Open borders is not a policy,

On the right, I’d like Rs like Romney to bring enough of the electorate along via a data based argument on why this approach will save money/lives with assurances that this won’t be a slippery slope to open borders/expanded welfare state.

And then agree on legislative commitment to 10 years of strong funding for border security and immigration control as compromise.

Honestly think it’s feasible if both sides stop with the games and change the tone.

Biden has to ignore the open borders left / moderate conservatives have to ignore the populist right. I think this leaves at least 60% of the country in support.


Democrat. Depending on what's in the bill it would determine what I was say to my rep.

The kids can apply for permanant resident / green card status and maybe there is some sort of penalty or additional time requirement. It should be part of a one time program and I think there needs to be some sort of time requirement like in the country for at least 5 years or some other threshold where it would actually be disruptive for the kids to leave. Anyone that comes after the cutoff for the one time program does not get that same treatment. No automatic path to citizenship but they can go through the standard naturalization process as others who come here legally do once they have a green card. No reason people who aren't here legally should jump the line of people who are doing the right thing.

Parents are out of luck to me, I don't think we should be incentivizing their behavior. But I also don't think the government should spend any resources actively looking for these parents to arrest or deport.



Yes DACA should have a path to citizenship. Parents should be given opportunity to apply but not be prioritized over those already in process and waiting years to become a citizenship.


Independent. Dreamers, yes path to citizenship but no immediate green card (need to pass certain threshold- e.g., age when entered, duration of residence, moral character, etc.) also probably need to make this a one time event to discourage future illegal immigrants.

Parents who illegally entered - absolutely not.



Moderate Democrat: absolutely 100% Dreamers deserve green cards and path to citizenship right now. These kids are American. Period.
Parents I think it’s less clear cut but in general I think that if you’ve been here x years (where x is high - maybe 15) then you should get legal residency regardless of how you arrived. There’s a statute of limitations on all but the most serious crimes; the same should apply to immigrating illegally


People who keep bringing up "one time" in their responses obviously have no idea how DACA works. Its already locked to a limited number of individuals based on age and time of entry.


Kids yes. Parents no. Either way should have to prove ability to support themselves. If they can’t then no. We should not be giving citizenship to people that will immediately be on welfare. Also only once and only once the border is secured and the tide has been stopped or commitment to deporting anyone that come illegally, kids or adults. You can’t incentivize what they did but also have some sympathy. But by no means should taxpayers have to support them



Dreamers - Citizenship
Parents - Citizenship. I guess just an FYI for folks, if parents had a criminal record they would be deported anyway because there’s an ICE jail you go to if you’re suspected of being undocumented, so some of these people are simply parents. Stop painting them as criminals.

Lastly, most of the parents are working for small businesses and large corporations. They’re just gonna get away with hiring undocumented labor and not hiring Americans? They are a huge part of the problem! Charge a fine for each undocumented worker and use that money to pay teachers or social security.


Those are typically simple misdemeanors D2. I got family on DACA and visas and EY1 is correct.

Independent - yes in favor


Dreamers should have a green card and accelerated path to citizenship

For parents we need immigration reform to simplify the path to green cards and citizenship. If they are paying taxes and contributing, they are adding value and should have a path to stay.


Children - yes
Parents - if they have clean criminal records, then yes.

Moderate Democrat. Yes and we also need to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill once and for all.

Unaffiliated; yes

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