Does anyone else think the RSU comp structure is a disincentive to work to your full potential? I know, for example, that my base comp is maxed out so my only raises will be through additional RSUs. They only grant new RSUs once per year and do it for years out in the future. So, for this year’s comp cycle, I got RSUs that won’t vest until 2023. Yeah, who cares? Who knows if I will even work here by then. There is no relatable tie in between performance and comp.
If it’s in NYC it’s illegal to request salary info
What level are you? If you aren’t manager or above then you are a pawn in the game and they will find someone else to do the same work who won’t put up a fuss about disclosing their current compensation.
If you are lower level and unhappy with your compensation then you should disclose the information with an explanation of why you feel you were underpaid for the market/your skill set.
at this point just do it. after they low ball you tell them what you require to take the job and they can't take it or leave it. better than walking away at this point!
Unless you really, REALLY, want the job, I’d say walk away and keep looking. In my opinion, disclosing that info puts a ceiling on your value (in the eyes of the new employer). Find a job that pays want you think you’re worth in the open market.
Yup. Check in state laws. That's now illegal in NC.
It's for a manager level role. Not in NYC or any of the states where it is now illegal, but they def do have personnel in NYC as well. I'm not too concerned tbh, bc I am hoping to get a competing offer as well. I am asking more for future benefit and to understand how the game is played, per se. They say they cannot move forward with an offer unless I provide salary history and I smell BS on that. Just want to know what everyone else thinks.
I have always provided my current comp to potential new employers and have always gotten the pay bumps I wanted. It’s not a big deal.
EY no longer requests this info
Thats a bush league bs request, and not professional at all. Walk,, run away. If they do that during hiring process you'll be shorted on everything benefit and pay review the entire time you'd work there.
Tell them between $0 and $500k.
EY does not request recent full year performance evaluation. Nor does it ask pay history. I just joined.
Pretty bogus
Yea. EY just asks for a direct copy of your most recent full year performance evaluation! Sorry, but that is sketchy as hell.
Smells like a cow patty. I'd pass on that company on principle. They will give you the smallest raise possible. Your pay will always be based off what they think they can get away with- not with the market rates.
Well i had a few friends interview there for manager positions and they requested screen shots of the full year evaluation before they would begin to consider folks for in office interviews.
PWC2- your friends got played. Never heard of asking for a screen shot of a evaluation.
Ha. That was my feeling too!