Preparing for a final round interview at Meta and the recruiter mentions they’ve instilled a Product Design “hiring freeze” effective until August.
I’m still interviewing, but if I make it through, they can’t actually hire me until this freeze subsides.
Is this a red flag? Likelihood it actually is lifted in August? If it’s economy based, I would be surprised if by August the market is better not worse.
No advice, but this just happened to me so I feel your pain. 6 rounds for a great tech company, only to have them come back to say they’d love to hire me but had to kill the job posting and couldn’t make an offer.
I had a similar situation, I was in a final round for a job at Meta and the recruiter shared they had a hiring freeze… I personally decided to keep searching and actually found another role that was better suited for me. If I were you I would continue the process but would not limit my opportunities in another company/position.
It is based on the county I live in, which made it lower than industry average.
It doesn't hurt to continue interviewing, right? But certainly don't put all of your eggs in the Meta basket
Wow. I am glad I’ve be interviewing elsewhere and have another offer I’m going to accept. I think this is a red flag. I’ve been watching for the different signs having been in unstable environments in the past. I really don’t know in the end but with all the news of other companies rescinding offers I’m not sure the freeze bodes well and for role stability.
If it were me, I'd complete the process with Meta, but also keep looking, If Meta wants to hire you and they lift the hiring freeze and you haven't found something else yet, you'll be happy to finished out the process.
That being said, I'd be questioning the stability of the job when the hiring freeze is lifted, but you can always re-evaluate at that time and decide if it's a good/bad idea to take the job.