Putin allegedly just poisoned his biggest political critic. It’s likely he will never wake up from his coma.

What, if any, response do you think should come from the US and Europe?

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Russia being Russia- Putin and his predecessors have killed off critics since the dawn of time and the US has never done much about it. With a permanent seat at the security counsel and Putin’s unusual relationship to Trump I don’t foresee any real responses/retaliation from the US.

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Why is the US always policing the world? No respect to national sovereignty.


EY 4 - From the EY website: “We help defense forces to streamline operations, cut costs, procure smarter and transform their workforce so they can keep their people safe in a complex and uncertain world.”

Sorry, but you can’t dodge it by saying that EY is just a “tiny slice of the pie.”


It is what it is.


Crickets from this cabinet


Relax kiddo. Let me fix this for you ‘crickets from this administration.’ Your panties no longer twisted up?


I think we should mind our own beeswax


Back to back world war champs baby. Usa#1

Reverse the troop drawbacks in Germany for starters.


To the couple people accusing this of being fake or misleading. I get it, we don’t have toxicology on his bloodwork yet or a paper trail leading to Putin.

But so far:
-We know Navalny was being surveilled by the FSB
-We know Navalny was traveling to shore up support for anti-Putin candidates in the upcoming election when he fell ill
-We know his doctor first said he had dangerous chemicals in his blood, but then walked back his statement shortly after the FSB arrived
-We know the FSB favors poisonings for political rivals (google Alexander litvinenko)
-We know Navalny is now the FIFTH journalist/opposition leader to fall ill after drinking tea
-We know Navalny’s medevac to Berlin was delayed several days for unidentified reasons

I think there’s enough going on here to have a conversation about this.


Allegedly I think we should do nothing on this alleged poisoning come on man


I mean if we didn't do anything when Saudi Arabia butchered Jamal Khashoggi were not gonna do anything about this


I’m with you on that. That was unforgivable that we just stood by.


Maybe just thoughts and prayers


They told me that ‘thoughts and prayers’ meant “We could do background checks and stop selling ARs to homicidal terrorists and the criminally insane, but then all the campaign contributions from the gun lobby would disappear.” How is it relevant here?

Maybe that’s what trump’s afraid of? That and the fact that Putin has a pee pee tape of him


To weigh in personally, I think Russia is always fairly vulnerable to economic sanctions so I would favor a tough fiscal response. So far there’s been little from the White House or EU.


It takes a damn long time but if you want to hit the bank accounts of Russian oligarchs you rebuild the world energy supply to renewable, then have counties who import energy from Russia stop.

Admittedly you can hardly do this as a response overnight, but if you want a world where they matter less in 2050 that’s your move.


Fake news ?

Perhaps it’s not something you care about, but it’s it’s not fabricated news.


You have how many deaths from Covid in US, Mr President? And you did nothing but try to meddle other country’s internal business? Wake up!

It’s not like Russia meddled with the elections of 2016 or anything🤷🏼‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I'm more concerned about the demonstrations in Belarus than Navalny. If Putin feels like Lukashenko does not have a total grip on the situation, or Lukashenko is killed or flees, then Russia will use it as an excuse to send in the "little green men" a la Crimea and Donbass to Belarus. Then Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltics will really crap their pants and be screaming for the Americans and the EU to do something. I don't trust our current government to get a handle on it well too, as Putin has outmaneuvered us many times over the past 5 years.

Yes Syria has been handled. The next spotlight is Belarus.

We should sanction them deeply. We can’t sit around while Russia orders assasinations.

Mind their business

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