I am in my early 40's and have about $300K invested and some in cash. I have $70K in credit card debt (no lavish lifestyle, just 2 bouts of unemployment and some major medical expenses, even after insurance).
I live below my means, LCOL city, used car, max my 401K, save my bonuses, etc.
I am going to get a large bonus where after tax, I'll get a couple hundred thousand.
Should I prioritize pay off all credit cards or pay down half/some of the cards and use the rest for a house down payment?
I just decline. I have said in a couple of times, “yeah…a little too much in the beginning of Covid” and have had other people say, “same.” I think there are more who are abstaining from alcohol than people realize. Lately it seems we are finding each other at social events.
I would advise against it, there is nothing to gain, and only the potential for it to be used against you and/or tarnish your reputation in some capacity.
Only when someone is explicitly asking for help is when I would make mention of why I don't drink and how I was able to stop.
That said, my current manager knows because I've come to learn to truly trust her as a person, and in a conversation about what I was going through taking care of my alcoholic Mom, she shared with me that her son was a couple month sober and working through the step.
The reality is that nobody is thinking about you not drinking, or will be all that concerned if you need to miss an event, and they will very quickly forget why, whatever the reason that you give.
In general people react positively or indifferent to the fact that I'm sober, though there are people in this world that take advantage of information and situations.
I agree with IBM. Nothing to gain. It could be used against you. Also, if you are like me, you could relapse. I think I would have had a harder time working through relapses if I had the judgement of people I don’t know well, like co workers.
At the end of the day, our addiction is a huge deal to us. If you are a real alcoholic as described in the Big Book of alcoholics anymore, it is life and death. Most other people don’t really care at all. We think it is a huge deal that we aren’t drinking (and it is to us), but people don’t really care. Get used to drinking soda water, having early nights, and living a sober life.
I just politely say no thank you and move on to the conversation. Respect your boundaries and others will too!
Thanks everyone- very helpful
I’m working out tonight.
I’m working out early tomorrow morning.
I have some work stuff tonight.
I have work early tomorrow morning.
I’m not feeling like drinking tonight.
I’m trying to lose weight.
I have a physical tomorrow and want to show up as good as possible.
Thank you