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Nope! But tip for the ladies: they make great oil blotters for your face
Free cowboy hats!
Nah. Unless the toilet is visibly wet/dirty. People don’t know how hard / improbable it is to actually catch an illness via your buttcheeks. It’s a false sense of cleanliness.
I always use them. How do they carry more germs? It's a piece of paper used once and then flushed.
Yes all the time. I do t understand people who don't
Poo poo germs fly all over the place including the toilet seat covers so really not sure what the point is. Also highly improbable you’ll catch something with or without the covers.
To each his own. If you wanna touch bums with a stranger then be my guest. ...I guess the toilet paper has poo poo germs on it too 😳🤔
Solution: hover
Nah. Wipe down the seat and you’re good to go. Those things are so uncomfortable.
Actually toilet seats don’t absorb germs sooooo yeah covers are pointless because paper does. Feel free to wipe the seat though!
@MD asking the important questions
i use em but more as a is-there-any-pee-on-the-seat moisture check.
Unless the person before you rubbed their excrement all over the seat, or all over their butt first and then sat down, AND/OR you have open wounds all over your butt, you WILL NOT get sick from a toilet seat. That's not how any of this works.
No. They actually carry more germs.
It's not like the thin paper is going to protect you from anything actually virulent. Most STDs die after 3 minutes outside the body anyway. Exception: bacteria
Yep, especially when I’m going in for a long number 2...🤗
I always use them!
So all you people who use them, you really think paper THAT thin protects you from getting germs on your bum? Or prevents your bum germs from getting on the seat? yeah ok. Whatever makes you feel better I guess. 🙄
I put TP on the edge where I sit... feels like I'm wasting slightly less. But who am I kidding.
honestly just noticed these in our bathrooms the other week.
even more revolutionary: realizing people actually use them