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Guys, how much i can expect in hand ?

ZS Associates
I have a couple of questions for ZS fishes-
1. Is it possible to turn down a promotion at ZS? I'm currently happy with my responsibilities as a Decision Analytics Consultant and don't want any added responsibilities in the near future (next 5 years)
2. Is it possible to shape up a career path in the BC stream which doesn't involve business development? I don't want to get into working on SOWs and RFPs.
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do we get reimbursed for NYT/WSJ subscriptions?
50 shades of black under my eyes..
Time for some Walking Dead😎
Yeah, it’s pretty common. Not surprised. I know someone who did their 10 year anniversary shoot, shared pictures on social media and then filed for divorce after 2 months.
Not everyone needs to know their business.
Rising Star
I agree social media is fake and I’m guilty too, but some marriages become stronger/amazing after the truth comes out of why someone cheated. Cheating unfortunately is fairly common nowadays so even if you find someone new, they could also cheat.
Is it really any different than asking someone how they are doing and they say they are fine even if not true? Biggest issue with social media is non stop flow of false information
Another difference is you’re not bringing the scenario on yourself when someone else asks you how you’re doing. When posting stuff, you’re intentionally doing something on your own in that scenario
Would rather that everyone airs their dirty laundry for public consumption? I personally believe social media has greatly contributed to society ills….just look at how polarized the country is and the level of mental health issues largely in part to social media. But at the same time I don’t expect or even want to see everyone’s over sharing personal issues.
I’m not saying they should post their dirty laundry. Just don’t post stuff pretending everything is amazing when it’s not
Have a longtime friend that will send a text joking about how he knows something is going wrong with my sister when she starts posting things on Facebook about how great her life is. Dude isn’t wrong.
Obviously social media is fake, always has been and always will be. It’s a pox on humanity.
That said, your example is a bad one to illustrate this. Have some empathy, this friend of yours is obviously going through such a difficult thing (betrayal by a spouse is really far up the latter emotionally). Can you really not understand why they might want to hide the pain and pretend everything is ok? It’s not because they want social media points unless you specifically know this person to be shallow and fake in all aspects of life.
I can have empathy for their situation and still acknowledge that social media is fake, they’re not mutually exclusive. I do have empathy for the situation. Often times a person wanting social media points IS bc it makes them feel like everything is okay, so those are related in my opinion
Yup. Happy posts, sad life. It's pretty sad, really.
As someone who has been through that, it is very possible to be more in love a year after that than you were before the infidelity. (Prob not 6 weeks after though.)
Real question is, why are you so triggered?
Well, what’s the harm? Who is this person hurting by posting these photos? We all know social media is not reality…I understand it’s frustrating/irritating but really why do you care so much? Let them do them, and you do you.