Reading “It Starts with the Egg” and 🤯. Feeling so much more hopeful and empowered after miscarriage... I wish I had known about this book sooner. Highly recommend.

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I followed a lot of what was in the book and am now 24 weeks pregnant after two miscarriages. Who knows if that is what helped, but it didn’t hurt and possibly was the answer.


The author has a Facebook group which was helpful for additional tips and finding good products to use!


Same as RSM, 17wks pregnant after two miscarriages. Supplementation for my husband and I seemed to be the main difference we noted; before reading the book I just took random pre-natals.


I have a friend who has been through infertility treatment and had seen an RE; she shared some of the tips he gave her (importance of egg health, supplements, foods to avoid, etc) but this just went into so much more detail. I liked the benefit of the medical research and things we could start trying now, when we aren’t ready for medical intervention but want to make some research-backed lifestyle changes now, knowing that it takes a few months to have an impact on egg and uterine lining quality.


Ok so this book is good but also exhausting. Like how many things can we keep up with. Wish we could just focus on being happy and it happens that way.


I have a friend who is considering getting pregnant on her own at 38 (in a year) after not much luck finding a partner. Do you think it would a good book for someone prepping for that?


I do! I didn’t realize how important egg health was - and that there were so many things we could do to impact it. After reading, I’m going to start treating my body like I’m pregnant before I am... which everyone had told me I didn’t need to do. The research shows otherwise.


I think It has some great suggestions regarding overall health. Reducing plastic is generally a good idea- but not something I considered until I read this


I started reading It Starts with the Egg recently and only on the second chapter. They already discussed getting rid of BPA and plastics around the home and now onto the part about removing toxins from the home. It’s quite interesting, but can be exhausting so I try to read a chapter at a time to pace myself .


Haha I should have done that. Instead I did a mad purge of all plastics and toiletries over one weekend, and spent a few hundred bucks on glass replacements, “clean” products and a whole bunch of supplements.


I felt this way at first and then overtime ended up switching out our plastics and products we used.

I’ve heard about the book but haven’t read it. Is it actually helpful? I have tried so many things. I doubt one more thing will work

I felt the same way. If all the medical interventions don’t work, will it really help to stop using plastic? I dunno but I figure it couldn’t hurt. I guess it’s an act of desperation 😂

Going to download it right now!

What were some of the tips?

Ok, thank you!

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