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Anyone who has recently resigned from ibm? When you initiare a separation process from workday, it goes to manager for approval. I asked HR and there is a due date mentioned on that process. Does that mean that if manager does not approve before the due date, my resignation is declined? What is the impact and what is meant by that due date? IBM
Additional Posts in LinkedIn Cringe
The selfie posted really sealed it for me…
Not cringey but funny as hell.
Not sure why he needs a selfie to post that!!!
Hands down the best one!
So much suspense with those …
This is making me extremely uncomfortable
Cringe or okay?
I mean… great for Max but why LinkedIn? (Cont)
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unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
Rising Star
This is the face of someone who cares
Screw this face 🤣
Impressive that he identified with so many different groups in one post. He’s just like everyone else!
Rising Star
Dis face